Reviews for Once in a Blue Moon
Ricci615 chapter 1 . 6/16/2021
I'm so excited to have found this fic again. I think I first read it about 10 years ago and I've been thinking of it ever since. Really excited to read this again.
ju.zelbova chapter 20 . 11/20/2018
Wow, I'll be rereading this story a lot. Like every other day at least. So brilliantly written, loved the parts with Tonks' point of view, loved all the passion. Thank you.
yovo17 chapter 20 . 10/25/2018
I know I'm years late, but this was amazing!
Emcnary chapter 15 . 9/6/2017
Remus wants to replace Evan's scent with his own! I think we have similar romantic wolfie notions;). And the daddy/daughter exchange in the last chapter made me lol...a nice treat for the bored bed-ridden lady;)
Emcnary chapter 11 . 8/12/2017
Oh, Evan is such a great villain! Snoggus interupticus indeed:)! A very nice chapter to keep me motivated while forcing my indolent arse to exercise...I'm hoping the next chapter is equally motivating!
Emcnary chapter 9 . 7/26/2017
Oh Tonks, I can't believe she doesn't know he's a werewolf. Read the Prophet, girl! Although, it seems that with her snooping around, she'll find the truth soon.
Gah! I dislike Evan. I know that's the point, but, seriously, I hates him. I'm gonna guess he's up to no good...
One final thought: I just love Arthur Weasley:)
Emcnary chapter 8 . 7/26/2017
Gran's questioning of Remus is so cute:). Leave it to a good grandmother to get to the bottom of things. I can picture my mother-in-law doing the same thing with her grandchildren.
justanotherfangirl731 chapter 20 . 6/7/2017
love this story :)
Emcnary chapter 5 . 5/6/2017
I feel the same way about exercise as Tonks... I force my own indolent arse into exercising so my sweets habit doesn't make me the size of Aunt Marge:). I'm so glad Hestia made another appearance! And I love the choice of a Raspberry colored dress for their first date.
Emcnary chapter 4 . 5/2/2017
Lol wizarding Kama Sutra! What wonderful inspiration for their "snog" in the library:). Goodness, I love your version of Hestia! "I baked your favorite biscuits and they're extra soft because I drooled over them thinking of you" wonder Remus laughed, Tonks is the best! She is still lacking the ability to brainwash herself...of course he's gonna say he's interested in her!
Emcnary chapter 3 . 4/25/2017
Heeheehee, you've sent me into late night giggles again over your characterization of Hestia and Remus catching Tonka boogying to the Wireless! I sincerely hope there is more Hestia :). I love that Remus asks her straight out if she still loves her ex. He's got no agenda, so why beat around the bush. Love the appearance of Ted and Andromeda, they're whole interaction was fun, especially how she winds her mom up.
And Tonks completely lacks the ability to brainwash herself!
Emcnary chapter 2 . 4/24/2017
Your oh yeah' s and oh no' s gave me the giggles late at night when I should have been sleeping:). Tonks is such a fun character! I love her Gran, I loved her interaction with Kingsley, and I love the idea of The Underground. I can't wait to see what they are going to partner on in the next chap.
Emcnary chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
While Waiting during a crap doc appointment, I decided to start this story, and I can't believe they kiss in the first chap! Readers had to wait, what...19 chapters for a kiss in my story!? I love Evan's character. He seems like he will be a good villain. And Tonks' side job is a riot. Fun start, now I have to find time to read more!
Guest chapter 14 . 12/23/2016
oh no oh no, and since remus is being her father he can't burst in in a jealous rage. AHHHHH!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/23/2016
oh dear. Poor Remus. His best friend has discovered him making out with his cousin and aforesaid cousin has seen said best friend, a.k.a a wanted criminal...
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