Reviews for Phantom
majintom chapter 1 . 2/13/2008
I created this account, just so i could tell you how amazing i think this story is.

It's great, every night a read a new chapter,

pleeaasee keep writing it, you're great.

jenn chapter 17 . 2/8/2008

WOW! I just read through the whole story twice now! lol

I love it! This is my all time fav AAML ever!

I LOVE how u made Ash so vulnerable yet so kool!

His character is so intriguing. I love how Misty brings out the true Ash! we all know only Misty can do it! P

Please update the last few chapters soon.. i don't think i can wait any longer *

so suspenseful

i hope Ash doesn't die tho..that would be horrible T.T
pikagurl23 chapter 17 . 2/1/2008
Wow...this has got to be by far one of the best fics I've read in a loong while. The story is excellently written and I loved how you set Ash out to be the scared, vulnerable one as opposed to his head-strong, confident self. This was absolutely amazing, please update asap!
PinkCamellia chapter 17 . 1/21/2008
Oh, my.

Let me tell you, that I am completely and utterly in love with this story. I've been reading it for the past couple days (while I was supposed to be studying for the most important exam I'll write this semester) and I'm really glad I have been!

I really like how you incorporated the whole rivalry between Ash and Gary. It's absolutely perfect!

I really love how you portrayed Brock and Misty's relationship. I've always pictured them as having a brother-sister thing, and it just warmed my heart at how she was so welcomed with all his siblings. I'm also glad you gave Brock Suzie. I'm always hoping they'll end up together. They're just so kawaii :)

I feel a bit bad for Rudi. I mean, he clearly loves Misty very much, but he should be a gentleman and just let her go!

The Pokeshipping is perfect. I can't say anything more than that. I just really hope that you don't have Ash die on Misty the way Cypress died on Delia.

I'm anxious to see what happens next, but take your time in updating!
toots chapter 17 . 1/16/2008
OMG! OMG! That's all I can say about this chapter! Ok maybe not everything but that is what I was thinking about when Rudi walked in. Oh and it was so cute that Ash said that he loved he. So sweet. - Please let there be three more chapters. I mean I don't want to pressure you or anything but it is a really good story! Really really good! Ok so I also hope that Ash didn't just sleep with her because he was scared he was gonna die and was being like his father. That would be horrible. I mean really he has to have some faith that him and Misty are going to have longer than a few weeks to be together. They are such a cute pair. Please let it be a good happy ending. Please! PLEASE! I hope Misty is able to help Ash in some way you know instead of just standing on the side lines wishing she could help. Maybe they could form a team or something... I don't know. But it would be cool if he included her. Ok well I won't make this longer than it needs to be. I wish you good luck on making the next chapter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon. You have some amazing talent as a writer. Ok well I'll let you to it then. _~buh byes
blast06 chapter 17 . 1/14/2008
i just can't wait to see what happens next. i only check ff for your story now
Moonlit Rain chapter 17 . 1/2/2008
Really great story! The update was worth waiting for and I'm excited to see where you take the story next chapter!
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 17 . 12/26/2007
Well well well...

Now THIS is a VERY interesting story you have here.

True, the alternate history of this particular version of Pokemon's a bit confusing to follow at first, but since you eventually get the essential details of it anyway (There was some kind of mystical war between Pokemon and humans, with these 'Elementals', being humans possessing Pokemon powers, being in the middle of the fight, in the past, and now the Elementals are as good as extinct with mixed Pokemon being almost seen as 'demonic') it's not that big a deal.

If nothing else, the idea of Ash being a 'Phantom of the Opera'-style character who isn't even fully HUMAN certainly makes the story more interesting, and the way in which his relationship with Misty develops over the course of their time together makes for EXCELLENT reading.

And as for your portrayal of Rudi (The guy may have only appeared once, but I REALLY didn't like him; the prat spent too much time showing off his gym and flirting with Misty without letting her see what an arrogant git he could really be; he just seemed WAY too confident in my opinion)...

Showing him as being willing to help Misty while still making it clear that he's a jealous prat who deserves to get a decent Thunderbolt to the face from both Ash AND Pikachu? Not an easy task, but you manage it brilliantly in my opinion.

I just hope that this story ends SLIGHTLY more cheerily than the relationship between Ash's parents ended; I'm OK with the idea of Ash getting INJURED at least, but if he dies on Misty like his dad died on Delia I'm REALLY going to have some things to say to you about 'repeating history for dramatic purposes'.

OK, so Ash'd have a tough life even if he escapes the Stadium; somehow, I think he'd think it would be worth it to be with Misty.

Call me a sap, but if she can see through a significant detail like the fact that he's not technically completely HUMAN, I doubt a little detail like needing to live at least partly in the shadows in order to stay safe is going to deter Misty from staying with Ash.

Well, hope you update soon; I can't WAIT to see where this story goes from here! chapter 17 . 12/1/2007
AW, I lovd it! Swwet, funny, interesting, deep... and the list goes on and on

Pwease, update soonie, nyo!

ASDHIWLTIJK chapter 17 . 11/24/2007

Oh dear. Oh...very, very dear me.

Great chapter :)

I almost feel sorry for Rudi. No, actually, I do feel sorry for him, it's just he's a bit of an eejit.

Ah well.
Hart chapter 17 . 11/21/2007
this is one of the greatest stories on i cannot WAIT for the next chapter, please update as fast as you possibley can, i BEG of you, hurry please
Amber Myst chapter 17 . 11/20/2007
I can't remember if I reviewed or not but I can't stay long. I'm just dropping in to say, AMAZING! Excellent chapter, absolutely loved it! I'm done gushing, can't wait for your next update!
Arrow chapter 17 . 11/20/2007
i can't tell you how much i love this story
TwlghtDrmr chapter 17 . 11/2/2007
An amazing story. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
lalia chapter 17 . 10/31/2007
great chapter, update soon!
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