Reviews for Phantom
Ri2 chapter 5 . 9/26/2005
FINALLY! Ash has revealed himself.

But, uh, what's this Elemental business? Is Misty one too? I'm confused.
J.C. the Wabbit chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
Ek! I love Phantom of the Opera! And I love Pokemon! This story is awesome!

I love your descriptions of the set and the action. *goes on to read more*
gladdecease chapter 5 . 9/25/2005
Ooh...headMaster conspiracy to make the good guys look bad...I think I understand it somewhat.

Racist headMasters dislike the impure Pokémon and humans, so they isolate both, as well as the weak Pokémon. "Impure" humans care for the "impure" Pokémon and let them go to the normal Trainers through the hidden passages built over the years by the different Phantoms.

This allows for a less of an age difference between Ash and Misty, and for our Madame's knowledge of the Phantoms.

Why did I not see it before? *groans* "Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?" And an isolated Arena Five?

Okay, I was just considering all possibilities, as there wasn't a specific next-chapter-title mentioned...

I'm just weird like that.

Now I still don't know who Gary is... It'll come to me eventually, I'm sure. Well, I await the next chapter.

Until then!
Chaos-Paladin chapter 5 . 9/25/2005
Now this is getting more interesting! So erik/ash has finally showed himself. I wonder what's going to happen next? This is getting really good! go for it!
fairy-girl chapter 4 . 9/20/2005
Wow, this is a really interesting story! I love the way pikachu keeps teasing Misty about the identity of his trainer! In fact, I pretty much love the entire story so far! This isn't a Rudi/Misty fanfic is it? I'm a huge Ash/Misty fan so I really don't like Rudi. Anyway, you're an amazing writer and I seriously can't wait for the next chapter so please UPDATE SOON!
Shandy chapter 4 . 9/19/2005
There may be trouble ahead, doo doo doo, but while there's music and moonlight and love and romance...

Yay, the shippiness has begun! Wow, forget what I said about Misty not being immediately fazed by Rudi's appearance... she's all over the boy like honey on pancakes! Well, not outwardly... but wow, what with the blushing and the babbling... she has all the signs!

But I can understand why. Rudi has that sort of silky "James Bond" charm, except without the arrogance ;) All confident and suave and the like. I especially loved the "“Oh? Don’t tell me you have a secret admirer here. I don’t like competition.” Ha! That was such a line. And it worked!

I also love the fact that Misty keeps berating herself over being so flustered and feeling stupid and thinking that her behaviour is ridiculous, because frankly, it's a thing that every girl does.


I am SO eager to see where this flirtation is going, because as we've been told, "the Ghost doesn't like that..." Ah... but is the Ghost even aware of it yet?

Oh yeah; I like the glimpse of Gary we got here. Especially because we know he's not an instant "bad guy" and has been nice to Misty in the past. So what gives, Gary? What's your problem, man? An obsession with hunting the criminal a la Prince Humperdink, perhaps? Ooh, it just keeps getting better.

Oh! And I loved Misty's Ponyta excuse. "Yeah... err... *cough* she's a car substitute." LOL! Good on ya, Misty.

Wow, Pikachu is even starting to annoy ME now. Stop with all-knowing grin, why don't you?

I hope this 'chapter a week' thing is going to be a trend... because that means I have another chapter before I leave! Can't wait... fantastic job so far, I'm more hooked on this fic than any other right now :)
Ri2 chapter 4 . 9/18/2005
Next chapter features Ash? YAY!

Colored people are demons? Racist bastard! (Not you, I mean Koga.)
Chaos-Paladin chapter 4 . 9/17/2005
wow, another great chapter! This chapter was quite interesting. I like were this is going. Keep it up, i shall be waiting ever so patiently (nice wording also!).
gladdecease chapter 4 . 9/17/2005
The "demurely" was hard to pick out, being glued to the word before it. A good usage of the word, though.

So, no hint to next chapter? I suppose I will have to guess...Carlotta? Or maybe...oh, what's-his-name...*checks* Right, Joseph Buquet. The old guy.

...yeah. I dunno, that would mean a May chapter or [total guess] a Gary chapter.

Hm, so this Ponyta is known-and feared, somewhat? Then it may be Rudi's folly to allow Misty to keep it in his quest for her heart. He is new to this place-with money to spare and use to his advantage.

Everything plays into the Ghost's plans...Rudi helps to place the creature which will end up a CURSE on the populace.

I wonder...will the death be a death by Pokémon?

"You must be always on your guard, or he will catch you with his magical Ponyta!"-esque situation? .

And the chandelier...what will that be?
Chaos-Paladin chapter 3 . 9/12/2005
on a scale from 1 to 10, this is SUPER GODLY (count em', 10 letters). This is so well written and cool, i can barely contain my excitement for the next chapter! I've never seen Phantom of the opera so i can't even begin to guess who firmin and andre are. Please continue when able, this is something that must continue by any means necessary! You rock!
Shandy chapter 3 . 9/12/2005
Oh, thankyou so much! That’s so sweet of you! Uncharacteristically sweet – usually you leave us hanging in a cruel and unusual way ; ) Hey, at this rate, chapter 4 will be out before I leave the country too! Eh, eh?


Just kidding, I’m not gonna push my luck ;; I am very grateful for this new chapter!

So – Rudi has appeared! I liked the description of him – I must admit, I did expect him to be a “friggin armani suit” wearing Raoul, so I’m quite pleased with the way he turned out. Interesting that there seemed no instant affection for him on Misty's part. Just uneasiness and... maybe apprehension? Oh... such gritty stuff.

Woo, I like Brock! I love all your Brocks though... I get the feeling I may have mentioned that once or twice before, but in case I haven’t – I love your Brocks! I think I've mentioned that once or twice. He's very different from LEAGUE!Brock, much less serious, and I like him that way. Especially because he bring some light-heartedness to Misty’s rather dark situation at the moment.


I also like Duplica here, not too involved in the plot for my liking, but just involved enough to be funny; I love the image of her “gum snapping.” Hee hee.

Yay! May is evil! *snickers* Thanks for that. Thanks for all the background on Misty’s parents... and what about this little revelation “she was sure she had felt the Battle Ghost’s cold, bony hand on her shoulder one horrific night in an empty arena as a child”? I didn’t miss that earlier, did I? How exciting! He’s been there for so long!

Ooh, I just LOVE the idea of the ‘Ghost’ sneaking around and watching over her. o.O Wait, I realise that’s a little creepy on my part. I don’t make a pastime of it or anything, you realise. I mean in an admiring way… I mean… oh hell, who cares, I love it! Oh, I yearn for a pokeshippy moment...

Okay, so as for the next chapter... do not panic or run around flailing your arms, which I know is a realistic danger, if I do not review immediately. It just means I don’t have internet access yet. But I will obtain internet access if I have to club every Frenchman over the head in an aggressive Scottish type manner to do it! Just kidding; I’ll do it with my bare hands.
Ri2 chapter 3 . 9/12/2005
And so Ash is being annoying and haunting Misty some more. Hmmph. Well, at least he's not brainwashing her and stealing her off to his underground lair to have his way with her.

Not yet, anyway... XD

What the heck is she supposed to do with a mixed-bree Ponyta, though?
gladdecease chapter 3 . 9/11/2005
I liked the backstory for Misty and Rudi's relationship. It also explained her lack of parentage. Sad story.

The idiots, eh? Giovanni and Koga, I presume? Surely they weren't pointed out specifically for no reason? Brock is our Meg? . Will he have the high-pitched scream?

Ah, and May is our Carlotta. I forgot how much some people hate her...Botox. And Duplica as well? Is Sakura next? And then we have the old a guess, Professor Oak? Unless he's Erik's dad in this one...

Pikachu's already got the cute.

A twist on the singing lessons...teaching her indirectly to train unusual Pokémon and to learn new skills through raising different types. I likes it.

I trust that all shall be revealed in good time. The original certainly wasn't short; no reason this one should be either. Though you might run out of people's names if it lasts TOO long...

Uh, thanks for the Shiny Pink Igglyfluff of Power. I have no idea what it does, but thanks for letting me have it! I'm off to read about the idiots who do not comply with the Ghost's wishes!

Siriusly Amused chapter 3 . 9/11/2005
-also claps like Marius- Excellent chapter, my friend! I'm with Misty though...what would she use a Ponyta for? -is interested to see where this is going-

-glomps you again- BROCK! You know, back when you were plotting this, I had a sinking that spelled right?...that Brock wasn't in it and it depressed me greatly. But since you have placed my beloved Brocky-poo into the story, I am immensely happy.

Hm...I think I like Rudi in this fic. Which scares me.

-offers you cheese- Now, get to writing chapter four! Your master of the universe commands you! -glares-
My Bum Hurts chapter 2 . 9/5/2005
So, I told you earlier tonight that I'd review AGAIN and then I got sidetracked. First with writing, then I had to delete a Trojan off of my poor Rupert. No need to fear, from what I've gathered, the Trojan isn't bad and I think it's gone though I won't know for sure until I run another virus scan which won't be till Wednesday because they take too long. But now I'm back for just a bit before bed so I may review.

You have an excellent writing style, my friend. Much more descriptive and detailed than my own. You already know that I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter. _ And update OYL, damn you!
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