Reviews for Phantom |
Joyfull Scroll chapter 2 . 9/3/2005 Well hopefully you will receive tons of reviews. I enjoy how you numbered your 'notes'. When will she get Toadidile back? Is he with Ash? Is Ash still Delia's son in this fic? |
Joyfull Scroll chapter 1 . 9/3/2005 Now don't be too offended, but I'm rather unfamilier with the plot and characters of Phantom of the Opera. I just know that the Phantom trains the girl he becomes obsessed with and she falls for someone else. That's about it. So Ash is going to be 'the Phantom'? Cool! |
Ri2 chapter 2 . 9/2/2005 Deliah seems a lot nicer than the real Madame Giry. Heh. Why is her son living in the rafters of the stadium? Why are all those Pokemon in cages, anyway? Will we be enlightened a little more at some point as to what's going on? And what the hell is the deal with Ash's eyes? Damn, I'm hooked. Good chapter. |
Annie Sparklecakes chapter 2 . 9/2/2005 Another uber-excellent chapter. This story's BRILLIANT! Update soonerz! |
Shandy chapter 2 . 9/2/2005 Oh my god! -clutches shiny pink Igglyfluff of Power- That was my first shiny pink Igglyfluff of power! -solemnly- I will treasure it always. Anywho... brilliant, brilliant chapter! Especially the beginning, it was so detailed and yet you really got the sense of it all being a bit of a blur fo Misty... loved her waking up to hazy images of the "ghost" and then wondering whether they had all been dreams... very Phantom-like, which I guess is what you were aiming for! I just always find it so easy to form pictures of your fics... like Ash pushing his sunglasses back down over his eyes with a frown... or the hospital dorm, or Pikachu curled up at the end of the bed. Man, they need to meet again! They need to talk next time, and have a fluffy little pokeshippy moment. So these are my guesses: MegBrock. CarlottaMay. -evil snicker- I hope it's May. I'm a closet May hater. That's if there even IS a Carlotta in this. Also, I've already proved how rubbish at guessing I am. I can't WAIT to meet Rudy. I think I was one of the only people who liked him in the series. I thought he was charming and lovely and gave Misty the attention she deserved, poor girl. I think he'll make a great Raoul. (Don't worry, I'm still rooting for Ash!) Delia was so different from AsheronHood!Delia. But I like her. And her "little black birdie." Listen. I'm leaving the country (that is to say, the UK) in THREE WEEKS TIME. When I get to new country, I may not have internet access for several weeks. SEVERAL WEEKS, YOU HEAR? Is there any chance in hell that Chapter 3 will be finished within the next three weeks? I hope so. -clutches Igglyfluff to choking point- I really hope so. |
Deja Know I Been Lookin For Vu chapter 2 . 9/1/2005 Oh, very nice :D I love your twists, hehehe. Excellent! Words like "intriguing" and "yay Pikachu" and "Phantom Ash" are running through my head...Because I don't think I could string them up into a good sentence, just take this word: UPDATE! |
Teh Great Rin chapter 2 . 9/1/2005 Rudy. And the rat reminds me of Tai. Sweet, sweet Tai. Man, I'm sleepy. |
gladdecease chapter 2 . 9/1/2005 Completely ignored this story when it first came out-I truly and honestly regret that now. This is fantastic! (had no idea it was a Phantom story) Excellent description, an excellent choice for Delia's part (IMO)...Rudi's next, eh? Who else will show up, I wonder...*weirdthought* Is May going to be Meg? I suppose it depends on whether or not she can scream in a high pitched tone, isn't it? - Murkrow? Or the raven-colored hair? Hmm...Delia has seen this before (unless I'm getting too far into Phantom) her husband, and her son carries the legacy on? Hmm... So no history of Erik's equivalent? I rather like the style in which the book was written; it answered the questions left unanswered in the musical as to the Phantom's powers (though the musical still kicked arse). I don't know about the movie, but I assume it's in a way similar to the musical. And I wonder...but I shall only say one word as to my question: mascarade? I immensly enjoyed reading this and await more of the story, as more of our "Erik" is revealed, and romance takes flight. And I wonder about the themes of darkness and light...and the missing father figure. Would it be brother, in this case? Too many questions. Later! |
Sumi Lys chapter 1 . 8/31/2005 Holas! D realmente adoro TODAS -yep con mayuscula!- TODAS tus historias n_n Me encantan, por favor continua escribiendo! D Byes! n.n - Hi! I like it, please up date soon! -very, very soon n.n- I love all your stories n_n Sumi* |
evryluvsmisty chapter 1 . 8/31/2005 This was very cool. I liked it alot. But i'd be lying if i said the real reason i'm reviewing is to tell you how much i'm waiting for the next installment of OYL. I just love that to death. As far as i'm concerned no matter what you write in the next chapter will be great but i guess the writer would always try to make the chapter perfect before posting it. Well i hope to see more from that fic as well as this one. bye. Everyone loves Misty |
Shandy chapter 1 . 8/28/2005 WHAT? CHAPTER 2 IS WRITTEN BUT NOT POSTED? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO US? Anywho, I like it too. The reason why it's taken me so long to get round to reading it, I suppose, was that I assumed you'd given up because your account was static for so long. Very glad to see I'm wrong. I love your narrative, it's so flowy and nice to read. Misty's very likeable here, although I really wish there'd been more about her background at the stadium... how she got there, who her friends are, and more importantly... does she have a Raoul? Well, I guess you intentionally left all those things out for the sake of it being one of those nail-biting introductory chapters. And it was. Put me very in mind of OYL Chapter 1. But in a good way! (Speaking of OYL, you should just churn out the next chapter no matter what state it's in, because frankly, I love that fic so much, that even if you wrote about Ash clipping his toenails for the whole chapter I would still praise it to the skies). Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Definitely warming to Misty already, and even though we only got a tantalizing little teaser of Ash as the Phantom, he is just. So. Cool. Can't wait to know who the other characters are. Does Brock have a spot? (Can't think what his 'Phantom' equivalent would be though... unless one of the curators?) Is Raoul Rudy... or perhaps Gary? Madame Giry... I would probably go for Jenny because of her spot in AL, but maybe she's more of a Joy type figure. Or someone else entirely. I dunno, I'm rubbish at guessing. Also, you know what you should do with Asheron Hood? You should just scan that baby into your compy and I'LL type the damn thing up! I always liked that story, and you abandoned it just as I was sinking softly into fluffy AAML goodness. Anyway, I really really hope this review is sufficiently long so as to encourage you to post the next chapter. Please, please, if you don't post it soon send it to me! I'm not a very patient person! I do cruel and unusual things when I'm impatient! Nice to see you writing again. Shandy |
Annie Sparklecakes chapter 1 . 8/22/2005 This is a REALLY, REALLY awesome fic! I really wish i could giv a long review, as i usually do, but i really can't... but update soonerz! |
Anne chapter 1 . 8/20/2005 Phantom of the Opera and Pokemon. It can't get any better... but I hope it does! _ |
Ri2 chapter 1 . 8/20/2005 Well, the Ghost is obviously Ash. I'm a little confused. What's Misty doing at the stadium? What's the deal with these Headmasters and whatever? And why are all those poor Pokemon locked in a cruddy room? |
narusakufan1985 chapter 1 . 8/20/2005 This is a cute and sad story. Please continue. Ash and Misty forever. |