Reviews for Phantom
Eragon32150 chapter 19 . 11/21/2014
I first want to start by saying that I stumbled across this story literally a day go and was not able to stop. Gen 3 remakes couldn't even slow me down. This story is great from beginning to ..well...almost end. I know I have no room to talk as I have noticed followers from 2006 but this story has really grasped me like very few have. I can't wait till it is finished as I have every confidence it will be, fore a masterpiece such as this can not go unfinished.
We'reAllMad chapter 19 . 9/14/2014
I love how creative this story's been - I hope you update!
acpeters chapter 19 . 9/11/2014
So I have not actually read this story for a couple years, only for the fact that I loved it so much and it is very hard to go back and read something that's not finished and hasn't been updated in a long time. This is the first story I ever read on this website and the first one I was ever really captivated by. This was in 2006 I believe and I apologize for not reviewing each chapter as I read them. Since then I have read this story a couple of more times and enjoyed it every occurrence just the same. I just wanted to review to say that I really enjoyed the story and hope for an update in the near future, even if it does mean I have to spend the time reading this over again. If I do at least it is something as entertaining as this.
Hope to see an update soon,
Guest chapter 19 . 7/3/2014
update soon! hopefully...
kitsu012 chapter 19 . 7/1/2014
This story is so awesome! Beautiful, wonderful, amazing and all kinds of incredible! 3 Reading your work made me feel so many different kinds of emotions. It's like I've been riding a roller coaster ride, feeling so angry at one point and then apprehensive and then surprised and then ecstatic. And the characters! They were written so nicely and felt very real. I especially liked how you handled different character interactions and relationships. What I love the most about this story, though, is that you've developed such a rich and vibrant background for it, with the right touches of lightness and darkness here and there, basing it on the Phantom of the Opera and then incorporating elements like ancient legends and Elementals and a war taking place below a school, right underneath the noses of modern day students. This truly is a work of art to be proud of.

I'm hoping that you update soon, but I do know how it feels like to try writing something and feel like the story isn't going in the right direction. With all the writing, editing and polishing, sometimes it's just nice to wind back and put the story aside for awhile. But anyway, a lot of people, myself included, are looking forward to reading more :)
AsherKetchum chapter 19 . 6/15/2014
Look, I'm writing a song based on this, so I need to know the end. You haven't updated in 1 year, two months, and nine days on the day I post this review. I really want to know how this ends; I read up to chapter 19 in three days. This really is an excellent story; I look forward to seeing it finished.
AsherKetchum chapter 12 . 6/13/2014
Honestly, this has sent ME reeling... I better go get some Asprin
guest chapter 19 . 5/30/2014
So, if my calendar's correct, it's been after next fall! :P


I'm dying to know how this story ends and for the prequel! Don't stop writing!

That would totally suck giant Wailord genitals.

New chapter soon, yeah? :)
Katz4 chapter 19 . 5/20/2014
I would greatly appreciate it if you found the time to continue this story. Please and Thank You. :)
Katz4 chapter 19 . 5/20/2014
Please come back and write this! Please PLEASE, You CANT end it HERE! I'm Begging you! Please!
ihartpokeshippin chapter 17 . 4/28/2014
Hey I know you're probably busy and have a bunch of other things going on in your life, but please please please UPDATE!

I'm in love with this story and your writing and I have to know what happens next! So pleaseeee? :D

petites sorcieres chapter 19 . 4/24/2014
That was realy a great fanfiction! This is the first fanfiction so different from the anime I read. The world you created is also amazing. I m blown away by this story.

I really like how you wrote Rudi and Ash especially. Though I love Misty, Brock, Suzi and Ritchie too haha

Thanks A LOT for this!
obsessivereader95 chapter 19 . 4/7/2014
please update this before this fall! it'll kill me! i absolutely adore this story. i've been searching high and low for decent pokemon fics, and this was definitely a sight for sore eyes. please, finish this soon! thank you so much for writing, and good luck!
Mimi-Kiki-Dits chapter 19 . 3/28/2014
Next fall as in fall of two-thousand thirteen? Or as in two-thousand fourteen?
Mimi-Kiki-Dits chapter 18 . 3/28/2014
I absolutely adore this story. And I... I'm scared to read the next chapter. Because this hasn't been updated for eleven months, the fact that there's only one more to read is killing me. I mean it.
You... are an amazing writer. A master storyteller, truly. And I love all of your works to pieces.
So please... don't let me die.
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