Reviews for Had I Known
Lamourloi chapter 50 . 9/8
Merci pour cette histoire absolument splendide.
Malgré une lecture amoindrie due aux capacités restreintes du traducteur internet, j’ai pu ressentir toute l’ironie de certaines répliques et qui m’ont fait sourire. J’ai aussi ressenti la douleur de ce chemin de croix au travers de la mémoire d’une vie, tout comme la surprise teintée de tristesse de celui qui découvre certaines vérités de la vie, la beauté des mots choisis pour décrire la poésie cachée dans toute chose pourvu qu’on ait l’esprit et les yeux ouverts. Ainsi que la résilience dont l’apprentissage est forgé dans l’expérience du deuil, ou l’amitié sincère est un diamant dont l’éclat rivalise avec la brillance de l’amour.
Oui j’ai perçu tout cela et bien plus encore, grâce à vos mots, vos personnages, votre scénario extraordinaire. Et je suis reconnaissante que vous ayez, contre vents et marées, poursuivi ce travail fabuleux jusqu’à sa conclusion pour le partager avec les lecteurs.
Encore merci. Prenez soin de vous.
Blueberry Babe chapter 49 . 7/17
great story. im glad i found it again. well done.
garvit.bansal234 chapter 50 . 5/27
too good of a book. i almost lost interest after reading first 5 chapters, but if you stick to it, u will find a gem
LadyGrimR chapter 50 . 4/28
Truly what a masterpiece. I enjoyed this immensely. Thank you
BelleFairy13 chapter 50 . 3/6
Well done! Caught my attention quick and could barely put it down!
Jimbocous chapter 49 . 11/15/2023
Thanks for a great (re)read! Very Nicely done.
Guest chapter 50 . 11/2/2023

This is one of the very first fanfics I ever read, over 10 years ago and the first in this fandom. It completely blew my mind and it has stood the test of time incredibly well. All these years later I still love it and read it regularly. How lucky I was that my first Harry Potter fanfic was also the best!

It changed my life. The first time I read it I was young. It's influenced the way I see the world. With more forgiveness, understanding and nuance. I've dealt with depression almost my whole life and this fic has been an incredible comfort to me. It found me at my lowest and lifted me up. Had I Known is beautiful. Melancholy, yet ultimately about healing.

I don't know if you still read comments, but if you do, I just wanted to say thank you. And that I hope you are doing well.
eyestrain chapter 50 . 10/14/2023
Magnificent work in so many ways.
mcrmyrangerbabe chapter 50 . 10/7/2023
What a brilliant beautiful story
cheshirecatsmile chapter 50 . 8/19/2023
I stumbled across this again, while looking for something completely different, and I had to drop everything to read it straight away. I really love this. I love how unique Harry's illness is, and how Severus' opinion of him changes as he sees Harry's memories. Thanks for writing
Caramel4me chapter 50 . 7/15/2023
I've just finished rereading this for the second time and it is still as much a masterpiece as it was my first time through. Thank you so much for sharing! You do a wonderful job with your characters, I love you riding style. Thanks again!
musicalmemesandstuff chapter 50 . 7/1/2023
Just sat down binged this absolute masterpiece of a story on my day off work and I have zero regrets! I tend to avoid evil!dumbles stories but this one was so well written I love how you characterized him as well as Harry and Snape, this is perfection! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work and talent!
liz.onia chapter 50 . 6/2/2023
What a fantastic story! Thanks for sharing with us!
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 50 . 5/8/2023
Well, I read chapters 1-8 and then the Epilogue. While I find myself curious as to what lies in between, I just can't bring myself to read through all of the angst I'm sure is waiting for me there, nor do I particularly want to sit with a tissue clutched in my hands and have to take my glasses on and off so I can dry m eyes.

The portions of the story that I did read were well-written and Snape's POV were interestingthough I confess to prefer Harry's POV 90% of the time, with some of Draco's POV in certain types of Drarry stories.

Perhaps one day I'll bring myself to actually read the whole story.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 8 . 5/8/2023
Well, I’m certainly quite tempted at this point to skip all the angst and go right to the epilogue and hope any questions I might have had get answered there.
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