Reviews for Choices
mon chapter 5 . 8/9/2003
whoa, mike! (mind if i call you so?) you've got a real masterpiece in the making here! never knew anyone could read so deeply into Ranma 1/2! anyway, i beg you to keep's not often one finds such an excellently written and thought through fanfic. you're deep, you know, but i like that. i really can't find anything in this story to criticize! when or if ever something occurs to me i'll let you the meantime, more power! and update soon? -
R Junkie chapter 5 . 8/8/2003
YES! I love this fic! I hope you're going to update sooner now that you're here, not like before, with long agonizing months between each chapter.

BTW, I can't see Ranma tellign Ryoga of all people. Why'd he do that?
Fire Lady Aya chapter 5 . 8/7/2003
Wow this is a very deep and intricate story! I love all the underlying themes and messages. I hope they find out who did that to Ranma and make that bastard pay! Everyone is going to be so shocked when they find out. I can't wait to see Ryouga's reaction! Awsome job on this story and I hope you update again soon!
Daniel Kim chapter 5 . 8/6/2003
This is by far the darkest and most psychologically complex of the "Ranma is raped" theme that I have read. Much of the time, I find it to bee too intense and heavy for me, although it is very well written. I am glad some of the suspense has been lifted, concerning what actually happened to Ranma, but there are still plenty of issues. Your web site implies that there is only one more chapter actually pending before this story is finished. Are you sure that's enough to tie it up? Well, I'm not a writer, so I guess I'll have to trust that the quality will remain as consistent to the end.

I guess it doesn't have to end happily or even neatly in the end, but please don't leave your readers with a lot of tension when it is over.
Raptischoureev chapter 5 . 8/6/2003
Wow, so many twist and turns. i never exspected this. Keep upthe good work.
NemesisZero chapter 5 . 8/6/2003
Excellent update, as always. Thanks for reminding me why this is still my favorite Ranma fanfic of all.

It's great to see you're still trudging along with this story! I don't want to rush you, but I -really- want to know how this all works out.
Aaronmizuno chapter 5 . 8/6/2003
I really liked this fic when I first read it a few monthes back... but this new chapter really carried the idea through. I can almost hear the ocean of flames coming your way, but please... don't pay them any mind. This is a good story, and something that carries an idea that a lot of people won't be comfortable with. While I can't say what is happening in the story is pleasant, I still love this fic. I love it because it isn't pleasant, it isn't cutsy and nice... you are putting Ranma through hell and making everyone else rethink everything they know about him...

and about Ryouga... I was wondering what would happen when he finally caught up with Ranma... I can't imagine it being done any better. Thanks for continuing this story... I'm signing off now to add it to my favorites list.
Ginrai chapter 5 . 8/5/2003
Either you're trying to throw the readers off with the end of this update or, if it's actually what took place, the entire party incident was done to throw us off and think that was where Ranma got raped. The latter explanation does, though, answer Jamie Wilde's inquiries in his review about how anyone could know that Ranma's pregnant only a short while after he got raped.

What concerns me is that this seems to be hearding towards a newRanma-like ending for Ranma and Akane, who doesn't deserve him at all (I completly agree with Saggit's comments here).

Worse, neither Akane nor Nabiki (both of whom I feel were *FAR* worse than Sayuri) seem that remorseful about how they've treated Ranma before. This includes the party (that Ranma has to go through so much crap just becuase he lightly tapped Akane's cheek after *SHE* got angry at him for defending himself is ludicrous), what took place in school (there hasn't been much mention of how Akane COMPLETELY IGNORED Ranma during it and how Nabiki - I can't believe SHE'D act like such after all the crap she put him through - got Ranma's clothes torn and forced him to wear a dress), and how Akane, even after realizing that Ranma was hurt, treated him in the previous chapter.

That Ranma would still want to stay there after all that is INEXPLICABLE. Sadly, that does seem to be where this is heading, especially since the other girls were effectively written out (I still have a difficult time believing that Ukyou would ever side with Akane, especially when she knows what sort of crap that girl put Ranma through).

*sigh* Anyway, I'm still hoping that Ranma can find happiness through some other means. And, as always, the writing was excellent and each character's emotions were conveyed nicely in the prose (that's one of the reasons I first got interested in this fic and am still reading it).
m0u5e chapter 5 . 6/2/2003
Artemis Rain chapter 5 . 3/5/2003
"Help me, Mom." Oh, that was absolutely heartbreaking! Please continue this beautiful story!
tuczek chapter 5 . 2/19/2003
Its a good story. i like it. In polish- spox podoba mi sie , nawet ciekawe.
I can't believe you.This is good chapter 5 . 1/2/2003

As my name says...I can't believe you. This sucks! It sucks cause it's too good and it's not done! I hafta let you know something: I'm never really too emotional when I read. It's all just like something else that I don't have to deal with. Well, you know what? I felt stuff when I read this. I finished reading the first two chapters, and then found out that the next two were inaxessible. Right now it's, about, oh, 4:30 in the morning, and I've been reading this thing for hours. You know what else? When I finished reading the first two chapters and couldn't read the next ones, I skipped ahead anyway, cause the story was too damn good. Now I've read everything that I can, and by god, that last chapter...Jeez...I actually felt tears coming when I heard what Ranma was saying to Nodoka. Dammit, I'm getting teary eyed just thinking back about it! Right now, tears are coming...Jeez, whatever you did to this story, you did it right. I just can't believe I'm cryin cause of some FAKE character that's going through FAKE experiences. But you know what? I did cry. You've got a knack for writing, you know that? Continue writing that story, dammit, or I will quite literally hunt you down and make you type it out. If this message isn't a sign of a story well done (so fr! Keep going!) then I don't know what is. Please just keep writing/typing, hell, FINISHING this story. If you do, I thank you.
Ramiel the Scrivener chapter 2 . 12/30/2002
My dear God...beautiful...excellent use of Ranma's introductory line at the end of chapter 2. Something about this fic affects me like no other fic has...never stop writing...ever ever EVER!
Dream Catcher chapter 5 . 11/30/2002
AkaneGirl13 chapter 5 . 11/29/2002
I have so many things to say: Mmmm, fist of all you have a very good original idea, there's a lotta tension and suspence in the story that makes it come alive, you also have a good talent in writing and describing situations to make you feel as if your a part of it! The whole story is just fantastic! So keep going!
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