Reviews for Choices
nemisiszero chapter 4 . 5/18/2001
what can i say about this story? anything that would fit in this box would be selling it short. excellent dialogue, symbolysm, scripting, charterization, emotional short, the best written fanfic i've ever read, and believe me iv'e read alot. if you don't respect this story, there is something seriously wrong with your sensabilities. can't wait for the conclusion!
Saggit chapter 4 . 5/15/2001
I've been curious where this was going to go for some time, now. My only real problem with it, so far: Ranma in the last section is somehow wrong (that is, by the tone and narrative) for finally telling off Akane, when he's been raped and treated like dirt by the all his peers for a week-in good part, because of her words, and her inability to listen. If Akane is as guilty as she's been painted in the first three chapters, then her final anger and her order that Ranma leave isn't simply a measured response, but a ridiculous unwillingness to accept the basic truths shes been handed, however luridly they've been painted by her victim. -And for the record, I'm not opposed to an Akane-Ranma pairing, or an anybody-Ranma pairing; I'm just commenting that I find Akane has described here by no means worthy of Ranma's concern, or his love.
SeanS chapter 1 . 4/26/2001
Great story
Lonnlarcan chapter 4 . 4/20/2001
About bloody time. I've been waiting a year for this to come out and it's just as good as I thought it would be.
brilliant chapter 1 . 4/16/2001
Mandrake chapter 1 . 4/16/2001
A great fic that is well written. Kinda dark but definitely worth the read. The dialogue between the characters is superb and everyone is in character. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Lisa chapter 4 . 4/16/2001
Wooah. This is... just wooah. This is so deep and good and... I was crying and sympathising with the chatracters and... Wooah is all I can say. I really want to read it when you finsh this is great writing and I feel that you've taken a spin on ramna and akane that I haven't seen before. Keep up the good work!
An underpayed Critic chapter 1 . 4/15/2001
l can't tell if that last section was a drunken dream or half reality or real reality. Ya know those times where you can't seem to tell if its a dream or if its real? other than that good job
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