Reviews for Choices |
Six-string Samurai chapter 7 . 8/2/2007 most intriguing. I look forward to reading the next chapter in the future. |
kats24 chapter 7 . 7/13/2007 This story has thus far intrigued me and I am looking forward to its conclussion. I seriously hope you have not given up on it. |
Asgeras chapter 7 . 6/7/2007 Heh...I hate it when I have to give two reviews in a row. However, I felt it necessary in this case. First off, the critiques. The worst problem I had with this fic had to do with pronouns. Now, I understand that things get a little confusing where Ranma is concerned. Ranma is one of the few characters you could call a "he" when she's a "she" (or vice versa), and it would pretty much be correct. This leads to many different options. However, the rule of thumb is that you either: a)refer to Ranma by the appropriate gender for his/ her current gender, b)refer to Ranma by the pronoun he/she identifies with in the relevant fic. Things got a little confusing during parts of the fic, which is particularly harsh during a fic where Ranma's current gender is so crucial. I understand the various pronoun missteps that the other characters made (Akane comes to mind), but you often refer to his girl-side as a "he", without letting the reader know this fact, at least until later in the chapter. This was more confusing, due to the fact that you would occasionally refer to Ranma as a "she" when in his girl-side. But enough of that... :P Next, character relations, character development, etc. This is something you should be very, very proud of. This is what (in my eyes) makes this fic excellent, and it really shines. There are some things which seem somewhat unlikely (the way Hiroshi and Sayuri relate to each other, as well as others, in reference to the "incident" is an example, in my opinion), but, overall, everything is excellent. The last item I'll critique is the fact that Nodoka seems like she might be left out and have some unresolved issues. Mind you, theirs a LOT of characters with a LOT of issues in this fic, but Nodoka should definitely be addressed. This is especially true, since, at the beginning of the fic, you had her be a something akin to a foster mother for Ranko. Holding that as truth, there is absolutely no way that she wouldn't at least contact the Tendos later on, in order to make sure everything is alright. In addition, Ranma could also do with a little closure, as far as that is concerned. Okay, that's it for critiquing...I've probably bored everyone to death. So...just a few more things. One of your author's notes says that you're sorry for the delay, but here's a chapter for the few that are still following the story. I think you would be surprised at just how many people follow this story. It is a very, very good story. That just means that you have a lot of people pissed at you for not finishing it yet Seriously, though, thank you for the fic, and I sincerely hope you do finish it! |
Asgeras chapter 1 . 6/6/2007 Oi...I think I see where this is going. *shudder* I don't particularly want to talk about menstruation, but your description is fairly accurate. Although I've never found myself having crying fits because of it, I will admit that it can make someone a little moody. And that's where I'll stop... I'll give a more through review after reading the rest. However, I thought I would give you a heads up that I'm enjoying the story, despite it being so angst ridden that I have to take breaks. I certainly hope you keep at it until you finish the fic. I always hope that's the case for good fics, but especially for angst fics. There's always a part of me that hopes for a happy ending... |
NemesisZero chapter 7 . 6/6/2007 For the love of all that you hold sacred, man... finish this thing. I don't even care what happens so long as there's some sense of closure to the incredible roller-coaster of emotions you've put me through as I once again read the story start to current ending (I think I'm on my 4th or 5th time now). Don't just fade away like some punk, Mike; finish what you started. This story is just too damned good to be relegated to the dead fic pile. |
anon chapter 7 . 1/25/2007 Next century: Back to Akane. What advice will she give her former fiancé? And who else did he see and ask for help, during the previous night’s wandering? Fixed Well, I have yet to see happosai, shampoo, ukyo, or any of the more obscure characters show up, so now seems as good a time as any. |
Materia-Blade chapter 7 . 9/19/2006 ... I hate you... first fic to bring me to tears in three fucking years and you aren't finished and haven't updated 9 months. This was the most depressing and well written piece of fanfiction I've read since Iris. And that is saying something. I'm gonna go watch family guy now. ... I'm so sad... Thank you for the amazing picture you paint with your words. |
Daft Strangus chapter 7 . 9/18/2006 I just wanna know who did it? Who raped ranma? But also please do continue with the story it is very intertesting. |
Ellen Kuhfeld chapter 7 . 6/18/2006 I'm glad to see you back on this story. It's been unfinished business for quite a few readers, I suspect, as well as yourself. Best wishes - Ellen | chapter 7 . 5/26/2006 '“I know.” Kuno eyed him coolly. There was no fear there, only a strange calmness in his restraint, almost as if he had done this before.' Hahaha, in a 'serious' ranma fanfic it is nice to see that some things are still just as mad as in the anime. The somber and visceral feel of this fic makes it even better. Most fanfics to me are just monotone words that may as well be from the same mouth. Then there is a clash of the authors opinion and the fool that dares to embody the wrong opinion. Young, pretty and available types that can learn to do anything by focusing enough chi mixed with ki. Loud, dry, lenthy and redundant justifications of the most closed-minded juvenile interpretations of content that was plain and needed no interpretation. Torture. Most ranma fanfiction these days is torture. I read it for the same reason people watch bad movies. Then there are stories like this that make me feel what is swimming behind the characters eyes and burn an image and feel of a scene into my memory as though I were there. That is cool. Almost as cool as being able to tell who is talking without having to backtrack. By posting this you are doing a service to the fanfiction community and people like me who are to cheap to pay for cable tv. |
Tuisto chapter 7 . 3/7/2006 Interesting, well written, highly detailed, though I see much of it just as filler. Dark and dramatic certainly, my understanding of emotion is not to par to understand much of this story. Still, I'm genuinely perplexed by this fictional variation of the typical thing you so often see from Ranma1/2 fiction writers, that you have created here. I'll wait, wait and see how you decide to proceed with this. |
The-Shadow002 chapter 7 . 3/4/2006 Another great chapter added to the story. The way that Ranma and Kuno was more civilized then usual which is good for Ranma I guess considering his current frame of mine. I'll be interested to see which direction you choose to go with this in regards to Ranma keeping the unformed child he/she has. I'm hoping that he doesnt keep it as that wouldn't follow through with Ranma's morals, his honour or the culture of Japan. Regardless thats only my opinion which is quite irelevant in this case. Excellent work and I'm looking forward to what you have planned. |
Phidaissi chapter 7 . 2/6/2006 It's great to see more from you on this story, I've enjoyed it quite a bit. Given Ranma's situation and general japanese culture though, I think you'd need extremely mitigating circumstances for him to keep it - even though I'd love to see him keep it anyway. :P It does however give good rise to introduce many other plot lines. Perhaps the 'cure' Cologne has provided will have some side effects? Maybe the standard chemical abortion fails for some reason forcing him to use the 'cure' in spite of such side effects? Maybe he chooses to keep the baby merely because such side effects would be *even worse*. There are still many twists that could be thrown in, and I'd love to know who the rapist was as well. Get the creative juices flowing and treat us to some more. :) |
Skywatch chapter 7 . 1/28/2006 Updates on _Choices_ are always amazing things. I'm glad your writer's block has lifted. :) I know I've said this before, but your writing, specially the way you flesh out the characters, is superb. On whether Ranma keeps the baby or not, I think the question is - what would *your* Ranma do? And what kind of advice would your Akane give him? I tend to agree that if these were the real characters, it would be pretty hard to see Ranma keeping the baby. But then again that Ranma - raised and believing in that "man among men" mantra - would've probably killed himself by now. Not to mention, would the canon Ranma talk this over with Akane, the girl he's always avoided seeing him weak? What I mean is, even if your characters skew pretty close to the original, you've taken both Ranma and Akane so far beyond what they were in chapter 1 that what they'd do now shouldn't necessarily be based on which action is OOC or IC. That's true of your other characters, too. Kuno's pensive, Mousse does Ranma a real favor - these are pretty strange things in the Ranmaverse, but they sound believable here. Again, that's a tribute to your writing skills. So I'm going with - just do what you feel is right for the Ranma & Akane you've written here. Although they'll always belong to Takahashi & co., at this point in time and in this story, they're really yours. These are literally your "Choices," and I can't wait to find out what the next choice is going to be. |
Maxine chapter 6 . 1/22/2006 Er... That was supposed to be "after almost a year of avoiding altogehter." ;; |