Reviews for Seek Ye First
Guest chapter 7 . 2/20/2013
You're fantastic.
streetsbehind chapter 7 . 7/15/2012
This story is fantastic ! Kick ass !

Fantastic job :)
eridani chapter 7 . 7/4/2010
Wow, brilliant story. You write action and suspense as well as you write the drama and angst, which is a rare combination of talents. Well done! The only helpful thing I can think of to offer is that sometimes your sentence structure gets a bit to obscure- maybe go back to the old trick of reading what you write out loud to ensure that the syntax flows smoothly? But, really, this was fabulous. Thanks for the great read!
Ishap chapter 7 . 6/16/2008
Excellent fic. Keeping the K/L dynamic tense for so long without it tipping over(depending on your perspective I guess) and without it becoming...a chore; that's impressive.
hell-whim chapter 7 . 8/17/2006
GAH! Probably shouldn't have read this while listening to Death Cab, but it WORKED.

This story was absolutely wonderful, and surprisingly well-written for someone who self-betas. I find it impossible to beta my own work; I read it the way I meant it to come out, not as it really is. If you ever need a beta or just a proofreader, I'd be happy to help.

Your Lee/Kara interacts were spot-on, and I even found myself shouting "BURN!" in some instances. Honestly, when I vocalize, you know you've hit me in some way. I really, really, really loved this. Kara's growing isolation/alienation from the Galactica crew was perfectly played, and I loved Seek. Such a cute and beautiful and touching thing to have at the end, Seek's babies being born, no matter how impossible/implausible.

You give us just enough to savor, and just enough to feel complete. Thank you.
Elizayars chapter 1 . 5/29/2006
"All else is pieces, being arranged on the board, cards in the hand. All else is shadow."

Beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing!
Diana Belmont chapter 3 . 3/27/2006
OH...this is yummy. I used to play the scene out over and over in my head where Lee finds out about Anders. I felt the show kinda smoothed it over, and I felt cheated. But I like yours the best, very nice. And very realistic. I, by the way, love the run on sentences...we don't think in sentence structure, so writing thoughts that way makes them feel contrived. Great job.
Hell-of-Fire chapter 7 . 3/1/2006
wow, this was one impressive story!

I didn't like the end that much, cause there is still that much out in the open, but as I see you have a sequel to it, so that's ok then ;)

Thanks a lot for writing this great story!
fallenangelcrys chapter 7 . 11/6/2005
is this the end? is there a sequel? gods i hops so!

darkfinder chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
need more chapter geting interesting , why stop at seven .
Pythian Raina chapter 7 . 10/21/2005
I can't believe it's over! *cries*

And onto the constructive criticism that you requested:

The ending doesn't really seem like a final conclusion; it seems much more like the end of one book in a series. Are you planning on doing a sequel? Will we find out if the whole mess with Lee was some sinister Cylon plan or an honest mistake?

I still think that Lee was too active for someone who was supposedly that hurt, and while it was nice to see the characters notice too, I still think that you could have elaborated on it a bit; he may have been really determined, but there's only so much punishment that the human body can take. Was it because his injuries were mostly painful but of the non-debilitating type? If so, I think that needs to be elaborated on, as your description of his injuries really seemed to focus on that knee and gave me the impression that his knee was the primary source of his pain and by all rights, he shouldn't have been mobile.

Unless of course that was your intention and something fishy is indeed going on with Lee. ;)
Clarks Blue Eyed Angel chapter 7 . 10/18/2005
This was really, really great. I had tears when Seek died. Poor Lee :-( The only problem I have is... this is the last chapter? That's what I understood from your note above the story. If so... this is kind of a strange place to end it. I was expecting a reconciliation moment between Lee and Kara. And do they take the resistance people back with them to Galactica, or do they choose to stay on Caprica? I hope you consider a follow up chapter, because there is a lot of the story I feel is unresolved. And I really, really want a fluffy L/K moment after all that tension :-) Please? ~Karie
shadowserenity chapter 7 . 10/18/2005
I'm saddened by Seek's death. However, when one door closes, you open another. I loved your characterisation of Sharon and her fascination with another pregnant creature and the joy she felt at saving the puppies. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing :).
SG1SamFan chapter 7 . 10/18/2005
In your author's note, you said, "The tale is now drawn to a close – at least this portion of it." Does that mean you'll be continuing? *sque!* I hope so!

Don't get me wrong, I loved the ending; it felt much like an episode of the series, with so many questions answered, yet more left *un*answered. I very much loved the scattered feel you gave the reader with all the events happening at once; at the same time, though, you had a unified plot and mood to the story that tied it all together and kept it from feeling tangled.

That there were a few missing words here and there that somewhat interrupted the flow of the story is my main nitpick. I really can't think of anything else you could improve upon. Parts were a bit confusing, but I get the feeling you intended everything to be happening at once so it would feel more tense and more like the series, and the slightly confusing parts *did* have that effect on me.

If (when ; )) you write a sequel, the main thing I want to see (other than your fabulous plots, of course ; )!) is how Lee and Kara's relationship evolves after these events. I want to see them get together eventually, but I understand as a fellow writer that sometimes to get two characters together is not in-character at a particular point. Mostly, I just want to see them be friends again! It's so painful to watch them dance around each other with all that pain between them. And eventually, of course, even two people that fracked up must be able to work through their problems, right? I mean, is there hope of them getting together in a sequel? Please, say yes. But please do drag the tension out as long as possible, even though (and especially since) it will kill this reader.

The tension was one of the reasons that I loved this story so much. Another of my favorite characteristics of the story was the fact that the plot was so unpredicable. Also, the addition of an animal was a welcome twist, and even though she died tragically (*sob!*), she gave Lee hope in the end, so it was not all for naught. I also really liked her name! So unique!

This story is among my very favorite from the stories written for any TV show, movie, or book. And I have read literally *thousands* of stories in the past two years or so, so consider that a *huge* compliment!

*Anyway*, thanks for a beautiful tale! I trust (and hope) you'll continue!

Emily : )

...a reader who is under your spell...
ayana45 chapter 7 . 10/18/2005
OK not much criticism except you're evil for leaving us hanging like this without knowing who the traitor is in this story if it really was the last chapter. Now for the good stuff. I like all the conflict here the emotional and physical between not only the cylons and humans but the humans and humans. The fact is Lee would have been distrustful of these people without the factor of their being a traitor among them. Starbuck being herself seems to be constantly torn between the two groups as we've seen on the show she's a complex character who's caught between being a hard-assed cynic and an eternal optimist. You did a really good job of showing that here. And where the show could potentially take the characters with their personalities. Finding the girls at the farm was both wonderful and tragic. The thought that the cylons aren't just planning for short term procreation on the farms but the long term and using children to do it is really sick. The last part with Sharon and Sheilds with the girls saving Seek's puppies almost made me cry. Overall your story is everything good fanfic should be emotional ranging from anger to joy. Oh one last thing if you do not complete this fic you may just kill me. You've got me invested in the story and now you just leave me. I feel so betrayed.(You can't see me but I'm weeping here. Really I am.)
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