Reviews for Love and Disappointments
HPforever2018-3 chapter 1 . 3/27/2024
Hi Audrie,
So sorry to hear about your troubles. Good luck with the publishing.

Could you please not label a work not published here as complete. I find it to be insanely annoying when people do that. Thank you.
Kartos chapter 1 . 3/3/2023
Advertising is against the TOS
jeitbqbe chapter 1 . 1/1/2023
Good for you! This was a great story!
JohnnyFlynnFan chapter 1 . 12/29/2022
I hope to read it as I had not yet done so. Thank you for writing and sharing your talent!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2022
Love love this version of the story. One of the first I ever read. Thank you for continuing to share despite the theft.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2022
Wow! Interesting happenings! Can't wait to read it!
arkadyLea chapter 1 . 12/29/2022
Sorry, I’m confusedis this just being put up again with ch 1, or has it just been removed? Because it appeared at the top of “just updated” and the “published at” sentence is incomplete
Hoping it’s “put up again”
Carmel chapter 34 . 7/18/2022
I'm here 14 years after this was written, and I wanted you to know that this has been some of the best P&P fanfictions (or even some of the best fictional writing) I've read in a while. You seemed to have captured the characters so well and mimic Austen's writing in a way that it is still very unique. I will say that on the topic of Darcy and Caroline kissing.. my only gripe is not the kiss was anachronistic, but that Darcy was so cool and unaffected by everyone besides Elizabeth so it doesn't feel realistic that he would express this sort of affection with anyone else, even if it were for a brief second. I was recently rereading the book, and Caroline just seems so fully self absorbed and the idea that someone as common as Elizabeth could be a threat to her was so dumfounding that she lashed out hoping to pull attention back her way. Darcy was never really living outside of his own mind until Elizabeth smacked him in the face with her rejection, so the actions of others that he was not at all interested in would not have phased him, in my opinion. Either way, I still love your take and I am reading this entire series from start to finish when I should be working. Hope you are still writing as you have quite the gift!
Hiniwalay chapter 22 . 5/22/2022
POOR DARCY. At the mercy of his pregnant wife!
Hiniwalay chapter 17 . 5/21/2022
Well, we have one comfort. Wickham isn’t as bad as he could be, if Lydia still thinks him good.
Guest chapter 7 . 5/16/2022
These people are a cute couple, but they are not Elisabeth and Fritzwilliam Darcy in Regency England. A rich landowner doesn't want children, he needs them. It's almost obligatory to produce an heir and a spare for the estate.
It is also unavoidable if they share (and use) the marriage bed. Only the developement of the pill in the 1960's made in a matter of choice. Of course there were methods to prevent pregnancy, but they were highly uncomfortable as well aß highly ineffective. Abortion die exist, but was extremly dangerous as the women had to poison themselves "to kill the fruit". It didn't always work, because they underdosed, resulting in an unwanted, often disabled child and a disgraced mother. Or overdosed, resulting in a corpse.
Of course they would have discussed how they would want to raise their children. Whether they planned to be involved parents or follow the customs of the Ton.
And your 'Elisabeth' feels Like I'm reading bad Twilight fanfiction. She has no spine, ist constantly frowning and moody, doesn't speak up for herself, ist always crying... "My courage rises at every attempt to intimidate me!" Where is THAT Elisabeth? Not within your story.
As I said, cute modern day couple with slightly angsty modern day problems, but Not Elisabeth and Darcy.
wantonlytoread chapter 47 . 11/24/2021
Brilliant story, thank you for sharing.
Edward'sDJ chapter 4 . 11/16/2021
Interesting start
Edward'sDJ chapter 1 . 11/4/2021
Lovely start
Guest chapter 7 . 8/3/2021
I am quite confused as to the use of ‘’tis’, I don’t believe it is used in a single Jane Austen novel and its place everywhere is somewhat disconcerting. Otherwise enjoyable, well done.
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