Reviews for Rectifier
PineNutPesto chapter 26 . 10/27/2024
A marvelous story! I know what it's like to have real life get in the way, but I do hope this story continues one day. I'd love to read the ending.
SotV chapter 26 . 5/12/2024
I hate it when stories die on a cliffhanger, especially one’s as good as this.
avatarklainegrindelore chapter 7 . 3/1/2024
Wait so Myrtle died and all Tom got was detention with Albus? That's a reward not a punishment.
Guest chapter 26 . 2/12/2024
I really love this novel!Will it be updated?求求了,更新吧!
VampWitchCat chapter 26 . 12/26/2023
This is a great story!
God chapter 26 . 11/26/2023
Guest chapter 26 . 10/11/2023
I know its has been over a decade since you have updated this and your most likely never going to touch this fic again, but reading this was phenomenal.

I love the way you characterised the characters, especially Tom and even Dumbledore. It quite mature and you a took a more realistic path to Tom's "redemption" than other fics, while also keeping his actions and him in a "good" path. Also the plot is somehow unique and amazing, I love it.

If you ever decide to continue this fic or there is any continuation of it, I will definitely be there to read it to the very end.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/11/2023
I love this story
maiqsmail chapter 26 . 4/3/2023
Quite interesting. I like the idea of successfully combining both Riddle's character and his redemption, without making him OOC.
Riddle makes a lot of progress and yet I don't feel he's happy. And still, could it be that this redemption is closest for him to be happy?

I also usually dislike Dumbdumb and like Snape and you portrayed them well here.

Considering the nonexistent chances of this getting continuation,I prefer to think that this is finished in its own quirky way. An open ending of sorts.
This could be fleshed out more definitive, but I understand if sometimes it's better to leave things as they are and make the reader decide for themselves.
Guest chapter 26 . 2/16/2023
Excellent work!
Guest chapter 26 . 12/28/2022
omg i just found this fic and AMAZING STORY! i know it has been years but i hope you will find time to continue this story
Anna.YUL chapter 26 . 8/17/2022
Dear Niger Aquila,

Hello, My name is Anna, and I am a big fan of your book "Rectifier". I love your depiction of all characters in the story, and your plot is just amazing! I feel such a pity that I meet your great work so late, after all these years since you created them.

I have already read all the chapters I've got, and I'm dying to see where this story goes and how it ends. Though years have passed and you might have moved on from it, I still want to know whether you are willing to finish this story. But if you don't have the will or time to do that, it's also okay, and in that case, some sharing of your idea of the unwritten story would also grant me so much pleasure.

Looking forward to your reply, and thank you so much for creating a masterpiece!

Best wishes,
Your faithful reader Anna
Wings chapter 26 . 7/4/2022
I'm so glad I found this story; this has been a fascinating read! Your characterization of Tom is incredible, his choice to change felt totally convincing while still staying true to canon. I never realized how interesting a person Tom Riddle can be, and it's super fun to read your explorations of the potentials of this character that we never got to see in canon. Thank you for this!
StoryPointA chapter 26 . 4/20/2022
Awesome fic! Seeing how this hasn't been updated in years, I'm just going to think Tom recovers alright with some extra memories, successfully leaves the world before Voldemort dies for good, gets back to his own universe and wins that bet with Albus in a funny epilogue! YUP! That's definitely what happened! DEFINITELY!
Guest chapter 26 . 3/30/2022
I know why you called him Professor Kray!
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