Reviews for Uncommon Law
WarpWizard chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
Uh-oh. Harem laws are in effect? Hee hee! :)
obsidian-fox chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
So, Asuka's paperwork didn't make it in? Was it misfiled?
Lord Raa chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
Far too short, but a great addition all the same.

Bring on chapter 6!
James Axelrad chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
du du dum...

let me guess, those quant post third impact laws also allow for multiple spouses, right?

*so, is rei going to put in a request to be moved in with them in order to get in on this deal?
dennisud chapter 5 . 10/22/2005

Boy this cedrtainly put a new 'wrinkle' to this.

Plus Rei's curiosity will I'm sure becoming back into this one.

I have a sneaky feeling that a certain Commander might have had a hand in this, and there will most certainly be another court appearence with probably the nsame judge.

I wonder givven the low birth rate is paligomy legal in Post Second Impact Japan?


What if... there was no limit to that?

(Oh where IS Rei now?)
migele chapter 5 . 10/22/2005

it didn't work with Asuka! great!

or is it Rei?
AzureSky123 chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
Great chapter. LOL that was unexpected. Poor Asuka.

Keep it up.
Dayz chapter 4 . 10/22/2005

Till next chapter...Hurry...

I enjoyed the story so much I didn't realize

there was no more to read till just now! lol

Great job!
Nabeshin Danbei Ayanami chapter 4 . 10/21/2005
I just wanted to say... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *COUGH* *COUGH* *CHOKE* *SPASM* *GURGLE*... Ahem. Awesome chapter. Good updating pace too. I have to say it was also delightfully unexpected.
Seansalazar chapter 4 . 10/21/2005
Always funny Random. Keep making me laugh til it hurts buddy.
Andy chapter 4 . 10/21/2005
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. hilarious. and I would support you in your quest for world-fic domination, except that I'm really,REALLY lazy.
alien2063 chapter 4 . 10/21/2005
Hilarious, fun, easy to read ... keep up the work...

Misato/Ritsuko are fantastic ... and Kaji ... :) Yeah Shinji Rocks!

Have fun :)
dogbertcarroll chapter 4 . 10/21/2005
I wonder how long it will be till Rei moves in and

starts listing Shinji's place as her official dwelling.

Good chapter.
dogbertcarroll chapter 3 . 10/21/2005
As he passed out, Asuka threw her hands up in the

air. “Super,” she muttered, “married to Misato, living

with me, hitting on you. Casanova, eat your heart out.”

LOL! That was great. Figures Shinji would need a blow to

the head to start acting normal.

Loved the ending. Poor Shinji.
sonyahhh chapter 4 . 10/20/2005
haha evil scheme upon your part for world-fic domination. very clever indeed. loved this chapter, especially the part at the end about shinji running towards the doors. classic shinji. good job!
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