Reviews for Harry Potter and the Guardians of Power
Fernando chapter 1 . 9/1
ok chapter 1 . 8/31
Rose chapter 30 . 8/25
So, Guardians of Power. Interesting ending. Thank you for writing this. I don't know if you are still reading these reviews, but Blessed Be.
Rose chapter 29 . 8/24
The penultimate chapter of a tale I have enjoyed reading in my free time. Thanks for sharing your interesting view of the Wizarding World.
Rose chapter 27 . 8/24
I hope Buckbeak and his kitty friends enjoyed their special treats.
Rose chapter 25 . 8/24
Gerbil Land!
Treating Vernon Dursley the way they did, will only make him more convinced that the "Freaks" are evil. Powerful, but evil.
Rose chapter 23 . 8/23
Good chapter. I love the glimpse of Gerbil Land! And Buckbeak! Good boy!
Rose chapter 22 . 8/23
Hogwarts is quite an exciting ally.
Rose chapter 20 . 8/22
Thank you. I am enjoying this tale. By the way. I love the gerbils.
Rose chapter 19 . 8/22
I suppose that they won't reveal their prank to everyone until after Voldemort is taken care of.
By then, they'll be heroes, and Albus won't be able to be too upset. Minerva, on the other hand...
Rose again chapter 18 . 8/22
I hit "post review " before I intended. You've put in a lot of unusual and original stuff in this story, which I very much enjoyed.
Rose chapter 18 . 8/22
How sad for the new friends to part.
Rose chapter 15 . 8/21
Sentient Hogwarts is interesting. Thanks for sharing this tale.
Rose chapter 13 . 8/21
I wanted to say that it makes a lot of sense that much knowledge of magic has been gained in the thousand years since the founding of Hogwarts, and that much knowledge has been lost. Within such a small population, it is very easy to loose hard-won knowledge and skills.
Rose chapter 12 . 8/21
A cliffhanger! But I don't have to wait, the next chapter is already written. Thank you. I'm enjoying this story.
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