Reviews for Yaoi?
takoyakimonster chapter 16 . 4/10/2006
this is so funni. it's not the last chapter is it?
Ivy chapter 16 . 4/3/2006
OMG! I love you! you are a genius. These are too freakin funny. Plz put in more very soon. I don't think I can stand the wait.
gwendal738 chapter 16 . 4/2/2006
I realy can't wait for more humor! I want the next chapter! _
Alleonh chapter 16 . 3/29/2006

Goku...with the handcuffs...and then they...and Sanzo...with the lube...and Kogaiji...!

gwendal738 chapter 1 . 3/28/2006
It was absolutely cute! and humorous as well... Anyways, are there still upcoming chapters? I really liked it and I want you to continue writing... Thanks!
CornflowerBlue chapter 16 . 3/28/2006
No wonder the youkai was shocked...must've looked like one wild group orgy! hahahaha! i wonder what kougaiji thought of that! haha! please update! i'll be hankering to review on you!

Come on! update, and give us all a good laugh! hehe!
CornflowerBlue chapter 15 . 3/28/2006
Nehh..? i cant't imagine sanzo gaining weight. he's too vain for that! haha...
CornflowerBlue chapter 14 . 3/28/2006




CornflowerBlue chapter 13 . 3/28/2006
AWW SHIT! at this rate I'm really AM gonna DIE laughing!

Whooho! hail for nimblnymph!
CornflowerBlue chapter 11 . 3/28/2006
HAHA! Anywyas, how come there's a family lake in the middle of a desert? well...the impossible does happen, most of the time, especially when it comes to saiyuki... haha!that was so sold! LMAO!
CornflowerBlue chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
WHHAT! I can't believe you actually made Hakkai-kun do that! Aww, disgusting...kissing a perverted kappa! eww!

but that was funny, nevertheless!
CornflowerBlue chapter 9 . 3/28/2006
hm, is that bondage thingy what i think it is...or am i just being weird?

oh, by the way...before i forget...what is a DSL? mind giving me a crash course?
CornflowerBlue chapter 8 . 3/28/2006
oh, so thats why one should always carry scissors around...

really...hehe! that was funny! the irony of it all!
CornflowerBlue chapter 7 . 3/28/2006
Oh! So that's what happened! hahah!

men and cold showers...haha!

You know, you're doing an awesome job with this! I mean, i just can't stop laughing and laughing and laughing...

haha! LMAO!
CornflowerBlue chapter 6 . 3/28/2006
Hahah! It gets funnier and funnier by the chappie!

looks like i'll be reviewing each chapter now...haha!

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