Reviews for You Did What!
WhatHaveIDiscovered chapter 21 . 6/13/2024
These were some funny stories. I enjoyed them overall. Well done and thanks for sharing!
Nimbus2023 chapter 11 . 6/12/2024
I loved the Futurama reference.
Guddu15 chapter 21 . 8/10/2023
Well it was a very well written story. Enjoyed reading it. There were a few parts where i got bored a bit but nevertheless enjoyed reading the story.
BlazeStryker chapter 3 . 8/9/2023
Harry does not have red hair. Therefore he cannot be God's new son as chance and circumstance continually smack him around like a red-headed stepchild.
MrMojang chapter 1 . 5/6/2023
I love this whole story.
the scorpion commander chapter 21 . 3/28/2023
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Hadrian turned out to be Harry.
SassyDKitten chapter 21 . 9/16/2022
Omg I want more this was beyond amazing, I couldn't breathe for most of it because I was laughing too hard!
Guciec chapter 21 . 5/20/2022
Cool story. Good light read. Thanks.
LtKettch chapter 21 . 5/16/2022
This whole universe you created is hilarious. I was laughing so hard at times, I wasn’t sure I could keep reading. Excellent work. I’d give you three thumbs up, but Bob took my second thumb.
geenakmom chapter 21 . 1/6/2022
Loved this just as much as the first and second. Haven’t lol in so much.
Hatata chapter 14 . 12/5/2021
The only decent casting in the movies was Miriam Margoyles as Professor Sprout, and she is exactly the razor blade panties wearing type. An iconic legend of a woman who would cave in anyone's skull with a paper napkin.
Talonwalker chapter 21 . 11/28/2021
Great story, lots of fun!

Sara chapter 7 . 11/3/2021
With regards to Bessie... I got a string of 3 words you should look up together on you tube... cows with guns.
Sleepyhawk502 chapter 21 . 9/4/2021
Oh my gosh, Laughed so hard throughout the series. Absolutely loved it! Thanks for sharing!
MasterOfDeath7 chapter 8 . 7/16/2021
I still think Snape gets too much credit for brewing the "Kiss of Ra". He was given both the ingredients and the recipe both directly and indirectly from Harry. I'm sure most Potion Masters can follow instructions and do what they have dedicated years to doing. Whereas Harry gives Hermione "the Book of Alexandra" (Which contains the recipe), Many rare and thought to be extinct potion ingredients to Snape (Other components to the "Kiss of Ra"), and the verifiably impossible to acquire "Moonflower Daisy" to Neville (The key ingredient to the "Kiss of Ra"). None of it would have been possible 3 times over without Harry while I'm sure most Potion Masters could have brewed it yet Snape is praised like he invented the damn thing.
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