Reviews for Hearts of Ice
Peace-J chapter 26 . 8/11/2024
A truly beautiful story. I really enjoy readding it. Thank you!
silkaheart1 chapter 26 . 10/21/2023
I know I am many years late to this story, but I couldnt help but comment. This was incredible. I think this may be one of the best fan fiction pieces I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing with us all.
The story was beautiful and all the threads came together perfectly. Ranma and Akanes true final reunion was so touching.

This will definitely stick with me for a long, long time.
pkempf chapter 26 . 5/31/2023
This was a really sweet and well-written story. Thank you for sharing your gift.
pkempf chapter 12 . 5/31/2023
You've done a great job making your villains hateable, much more than they were in the original material. At this point in the story, if either Cologne or the Yuki-Onna were to meet a gruesome end, it'd be pretty satisfying. Good work.
kalbright3275 chapter 1 . 8/25/2022
It's as if this story used to be an approved production for FanFiction-Radioplay Productions...
The Fox Sage chapter 26 . 8/6/2022
kinda wish for more fluff were we see them together but the epilogue rushed through it so fast
The Fox Sage chapter 26 . 8/6/2022
kinda wish for more fluff
The Fox Sage chapter 25 . 8/6/2022
the tail end of the story is definitely better then the begining half
The Fox Sage chapter 19 . 8/5/2022
ok I think this confession of lovwis my favorite shampoo moment in all of fanfiction and canon
The Fox Sage chapter 19 . 8/5/2022
this is definitely an interesting story if a bit too plot focused for a RA story for my tastes. The manga has enough serious arcs so I usually would much rather see fanfiction plots that include more fluff rather then a seperated protagonist golden kamuy season 3 type plot
The Fox Sage chapter 17 . 8/5/2022
wow word yuki onna screwed herself out of her children, she did all that bs but her husband didn't betray her
The Fox Sage chapter 15 . 8/5/2022
oh cool sussano
The Fox Sage chapter 15 . 8/5/2022
yeesh 5 years now
Conny-chan94 chapter 1 . 8/2/2022
I just finished reading this ff. This story really kept me on the phone the whole time, I read it all in one breath. I like it so much! I would only have preferred a more in-depth development in the ending, which would have reflected the initial writing. Anyway, this story is my favorite at the moment.
Great job, I’d love to see a movie about it.
Guest chapter 26 . 7/7/2022
Espero que puedas leer mi review ( aunque lo dudo ) . Este fic que escribistes hace años llego a mi por una amiga y te quiero felicitar por haber compartido una historia INCREIBLE , FASCINANTE , ATRAPANTE , ETC . Tengo que decirte que me invadieron muchos sentimientos mientras lo leía , me reí , me enoje y hasta llore . GRACIAS TOTALES
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