Reviews for Fate
Keladrion chapter 1 . 11/30/2009
Wow, sounds amaizing i love how you wrote this

Anna Scathach chapter 12 . 11/11/2008
it was good, such a shame you quit!

there are a million different possibilities how this story could go on...

anyways, bye,

a fellow d/g writer, anna scathach
cranberry148 chapter 12 . 11/15/2007
great story so far. please update soon!
Random Scribbles chapter 12 . 5/13/2006
This story is reall good. You cant stop writing it. I wanna know what happens next. It be cool if you showed what some of the letters said.
Aly'sPenName chapter 4 . 4/20/2006
Interesting...Im not shure what I think about it yet, but its late so I'll read more later. :)

Kayane Joel chapter 12 . 4/7/2006
great story! luv the plot.. UPDATE SOON!
Queen of Night chapter 12 . 4/7/2006
i love it so far...& for then next chapter (if you still don't know what to write) maybe you could have them go to America or South America...& possibly talk about how they got married...just a thought; i hope it hepls.
Kichigai kimita chapter 12 . 4/5/2006
I really like this story, you shouldn't quit!
slytheringrl17 chapter 12 . 4/4/2006
i love it cant waite to read what happens next update soon
Flipinpenname chapter 12 . 4/3/2006
WHAT! NO! u cant end it now! i have to hear the whole entire story! how they fell in love everythinG! no one else can do that! u must continue! u must!
Alexandria J. Malfoy chapter 12 . 4/3/2006
er hello? you cant just quite in the middle...or ending of a story! its like a breech of the fanfic writers code! (just made it up now) lol. but seriously i love your story and it would be a shame to see someone else finishing it off for you when you've put in all the hard work! loved that chappie btw. wicked
ContessaNatasha chapter 12 . 4/2/2006
Great new chapter, but dont you dare quit it! I like where you are going with this! You are one of my favorite authors, so if you do stop, start something new, D/G of course!
KrazieChikadee chapter 12 . 4/2/2006
Im officially confused. But, dont quit! I really like this story.
12345M6789 chapter 12 . 4/2/2006
Aahh yes I can see how you're running outta ideas. Im not sure where you're gonna take this either. Hmm...but I would like to know the ending. Oh well.
shadieladie chapter 12 . 4/1/2006
oh chiff hangers are just not nice!
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