Reviews for You give me heart palpitations
HarryluvsMoaningMyrtle chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
im am so excited that you did a sequal to obsessive-lily-disorder, i cant wait to read the next chapter and im glad that herpes is back in it although im feel a little bad about being a pigeon permantly. great chapter, i cant wait to find out what happens.
xPreppyxInxPinkx chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
w0ot! sequel time! Ooh, I have an idea for you! I think you should incorperate the lines "You meddling kids!" and "Sobbing, in hysterics" in one of your future chappies. Ok, imma go now... Good job! Loved the falling through the barrier LOL! WHAT SHALL HAPPEN W/ THE TRAIN? UPDATE SOON or I shall SPORK YOUR EYES OUT, you silly fiend!
WoodlandsBrat chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
i loved it!
magic sparkler chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
hehe gr8 return going stright on2 my favs :)
TrunkZy chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
Lmfao! The train left! Oh dear what ARE they going to do now... well you need to tell me as I have no sodding idea. Great chapter and I’m glad you’re doing a sequel – I just finished reading O-L-D, y’know. You wouldn’t mind if I added you to my MSN would you? I’m doing it nonetheless. Great chapter, and I really loved the slight S/R you had in O-L-D D
pinocchio chapter 1 . 11/6/2005
Great! I love it! please update soon!
areira chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
so happy you made a squeal :) yayy
lauraflaura11 chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Yay! Sequel!
Anaela loves who chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg fabulous! Procastinator's back - with a vengance! (well no but anyway)

I loved the mushiness at the beginning (although, i sympathise that you have to witness such sickening fluff everyday whilst trying to eat) it was really too cute - but you still managed to keep everyone in character, without Lily being all cutsey/mary-sue-esque. I applaude you!

Loved James' dirty-ness - ALL funny!

Loved sirius calling in porn i know its so immature but i burst into laughter...

LOVED the ending - so funny!1 hhaha so they're going to be in trouble as soon as they get to school. Wonderful beginning to their journey as heads :S:S:S

well frikken done,


cannot FRIKKEN WAIT for more fic! AND your chapter from the round robin ducklings!
StarLightStarBright567 chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Hah i love this story, its so funny.
The Marauders and Lily chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Hi! I read your first fic for this and it was A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Keep up the wonder work!

kittiegalal chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Wow...that was a tad bit on the random side, if you don't mind me saying. Will there be any Loco-motioning in this sequel? Will this sequel be as good as the original? Because they never are. Sequels, that is. Yeah. So, uh, good job. Yeah.
GoddessoftheMaaN chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Lol, spiffing chapter!

i'm an reviewer your Obsessive Lily Disorder, very good and funny story!

Huggles and Bumps, Pms

Shirotora chan chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
UPDATE! this looks pretty good!
seabiscuit0810 chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
Lol, that was a funny chapter! Keep it up!
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