Reviews for Voldemort's Last Spell
Ignotus Hospite chapter 3 . 1/30
Nice job tying everything together. I like this work.
asd chapter 12 . 1/9
yeah, this went rotten quite fast
asd chapter 5 . 1/8
interesting story. I'll prapably drop this somewhere in chapters 7-11 based on the comments but it's really good so far. Only issue I have is the names... The king came a lot to rest hence camelot. That wasn't the first time you made a name from a tortured pun.
chuffed4angst chapter 13 . 11/9/2024
Thanks for an original and really interesting read! You lost me with the dive into crack at the end. But I really enjoyed chapters 1-12!
peggy77 chapter 7 . 8/18/2024
I gave up on this chapter. The immortal that became Har-eee and later Harry then He told us gone and this chapter was just too drastically different. That person seems to be gone and I don't like this new person. Plus. I don't follow the comics or movies or whatever you based these characters on so I can't even know who is who anymore.

It may still be a wonderful story to others but I feel like I was suddenly apparated into a different dimension where I no longer recognize anyone.
peggy77 chapter 6 . 8/18/2024
This was a rather dark chapter. Not sure I really liked it but hopefully the story won't stay this dark.
peggy77 chapter 5 . 8/18/2024
...came a lot to rest, hence the name Camelot! Lol, I can't help it, that's funny. It's probably funnier to me than to many others because where I grew up, back in the 1960s - 1970s, they gave names to different housing subdivisions. The one I lived in was a nice but mostly middle to slightly upper income styles of homes and it was named Camelot. It was such a large subdivision that an elementary school was needed to be built within walking distance and it was named Camelot Elementary School and had a large stone outside it's main entrance with a sword sticking out of it. Of course it was actually a stone made of concrete where the sword had been stuck in while the concrete dried around it so it was impossible for anyone to pull out. But yeah, the reason you came up with for the name Camelot made me laugh. Not in a bad way, just thought it was humorous. :-)
peggy77 chapter 3 . 8/18/2024
I love how you have created a reason for many of the world's myths. This is a totally unique HPfanfiction story. I'm really enjoying reading something so different from anything else I have read.
peggy77 chapter 2 . 8/18/2024
This is a fun story and yes, it's still very similar to The Earth Children series written by Auel. I still can tell that is just coincidence and in no way do I think you were stealing her story but you may want to read her books someday so you'll understand what those of us that have read her books mean.

Otherwise, I am loving this story of how magic was spread throughout the earth and how it helped to grow the many different populations. I am especially glad that you included things that didn't turn out well as it's far more realistic.
peggy77 chapter 1 . 8/18/2024
I am also a fan of J Auel and yes, I can see similarities to her books but they are not close enough in any way to make me think you plagueri... I can't spell it, lol! But it's obvious the similarities are simply coincidental.

This is an interesting start and a fascinating idea of how magic came about.
OogaChooga chapter 5 . 7/14/2024
yoy should rename this story to "Harry invents everything"
Guest chapter 14 . 11/19/2023
It’s like a completely different person wrote the last 5 chapters, which is probably the case. Unfortunate
Guest chapter 11 . 9/28/2023
WTAF?! This WAS a really interesting story – very “magical Forrest Gump” – until it was completely ruined by this painfully bad crackfic chapter!
Aiden Britton chapter 7 . 9/2/2023
Jesus christ you're retarded
Greg chapter 3 . 8/6/2023
His real name was Yeshua, not Iesus. That was a mistranslation from Greek to Latin to English. The modern version would be Joshua.
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