Reviews for Abstention
PearlfromTR chapter 1 . 5/14/2023
delightful! exactly what I wanted to read.
Kurapikachu chapter 1 . 6/20/2022
Very good!
WellIWannaDie2 chapter 1 . 3/28/2022
He has to eat enough for himself, his automailports and the array keeping his little brothers should tethered to this world, I would imagine he would have to eat more more and army rations.

Thank you for writing!
Daughter-of-Athena-2358 chapter 1 . 8/30/2021
Amazing fic! Loved it 3 3 3
Ohana15 chapter 1 . 6/6/2021
I really liked the concept for this story and the writing style you have for it. A scary lesson to learn, but the most important lessons often do hit hard. Great work and thank you for sharing
Bistra Georgieva chapter 1 . 4/23/2021
Wonderful peace of fiction. I find it true to the characters and well written. I love how "contained" the atmosphere felt, luke you didn't need to shout to express yourself.
Lindelas chapter 1 . 3/10/2021
This was so good! There's so much untapped potential with the idea of Edward keeping Al's soul sustained. Thank you for writing!
NarutoAdmirer21 chapter 1 . 12/16/2020
Wow poor Ed - seeing him slowly get worse as he got more hungry was awful to see, especially when Al likened him to stray cats
And seeing Al feel dizzy and Ed failing to wake up was very worrying!
The changes in Ed were written in such a subtle way too
I absolutely loved this!
Minty220 chapter 1 . 10/9/2020
Quality storytelling. This might as well be canon. I really liked this story. Thanks for writing it.
not-exactly-the-truth chapter 1 . 8/12/2020
came back to re-read this amazing fic after opening a beautiful fullmetal alchemist brotherhood print I got in the mail recently and honestly, I am in awe of how this fics remains just as captivating as when I first read it so many years ago. seriously I love your writing so frickin' much, this fic has all my favorite elements and the descriptions and dialogue are just MWAH chefs kiss. I've re-read this fic more times than I can count, and I love it so much more every time. thank you dear author for writing this and sharing it, I truly appreciate it 3
SevenGeese chapter 1 . 7/18/2020
I love this I love this I love this!
Tobalerone chapter 1 . 5/24/2020
Mustang deserves to feel like shit. The fact Edward asked at all should have tipped him off smh
I really enjoyed this!
John Smith chapter 1 . 11/24/2019
Wow, I LOVE the style and tone of this fic. This was SO well done, SO in character, SO haunting, SO beautiful, and SO emotionally vivid. I wasn't expecting this when I went in. Moments of Al having acute life-changing revelations about his brother. Moments of Ed feeling vulnerable and working through it in all of his normal, angry ways, but being stopped at every turn. Overall, this is easily one of my favorite FMA fics so far. Maybe I'm just a sucker for this particular style, but it struck a chord and had my heart actually aching as I read. Love it!
Autumnights chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
I tried to go to sleep last night while mid way through this story. But I just laid awake in bed thinking about it, running the scenes through my head and imagining what would happen next. at 1 am I gave up and grabbed my tablet to finish reading. Such a great concept, I love the idea of Al getting dizzy as Ed is slipping towards death. Fabulous ending.
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Lovely job!
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