Reviews for Homecomings
Shmaden shmuki chapter 10 . 6/14/2023
This puzzleship fic forever lives on in my heart 3 returning to it really brings me back to everything I love abt these two
Ty & happy pride
MysticChemyst chapter 6 . 5/23/2021
Father's a manipulative gaslighting abusive asshole and I have no patience for him.
LuckyClover3 chapter 10 . 3/26/2021
I love the story
2020 chapter 10 . 8/20/2020
Thank you
Vivi-ntvg chapter 10 . 3/23/2020
This was a very enjoyable story!
scotflower chapter 10 . 6/4/2018
sooooooo... are we ever going to the story of the events against the enemy they fought?
Guest chapter 10 . 4/16/2018
Love this whole story a lot
Ghostlanxx chapter 10 . 8/13/2017
Aah! This story had such a nice general plotline, and they way it arched through it and ended was all kinds of beautiful :) very subtle, hidden between the lines character development for all major players, but they were clearly there at the ending. And I loved all the conversations, and how you showed how one of Yuugi's battles look like to someone looking in from the outside.
Thank you for this great story!
emily chapter 10 . 1/29/2017
hi! just rereading this story again after sooooo many years lol, but i've always loved your yugioh fics, they're my yugioh canon

btw, i remember there used to be a oneshot in this 'verse where yami was researching statutory rape laws while yugi was trying to sleep, is it still around the 'net somewhere?
PipeDream chapter 6 . 1/26/2017
"He'll see how great our boy is."
Somehow it feels like she could be calling Yugi hers and Yamis boy as much as he is her's and her husbands
Guest chapter 5 . 1/24/2017
Oh wow...these guys...
Crying rn tbh chapter 10 . 6/15/2016
Hello yes you cannot see it because of the Internet barrier but right now I am on my knees with a sizable but tasteful diamond ring just for you.

This was a really good fic and bless you for writing it- usually I have eh to negative feelings towards OCs but... I really enjoyed reading yours and got really invested in their relationships w the rest of the cast! Dynamics were a strong point to the fic! charactsrs had Diffrent viewpoints, and you showed how each side reacted to eachother- often negatively- but you didn't... Demonize them? It was refreshing.

Atsuyuri-sama chapter 10 . 1/24/2016
It's gone 3am. I am crying (quietly, and that's hard, but I don't want to wake anyone else), and I also am bouncing with barely-restrained, possibly sleep-deprived energy. This was both heart-wrenching and beautiful. I will aspire to provide you with a more coherent review at a more humane hour.
Honeybee1031 chapter 10 . 1/15/2016
I really enjoyed this fanfiction a lot! The relationship between the characters were written well and the humor was wonderful. Wonderful job! I'll check out more of your work soon!
MorganSkylar chapter 1 . 12/31/2015
oh and just to add they also need to learn kanji! if you don't know what kanji is try to search it!
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