Reviews for The PACWolves III: Geyser of Fire
Hoteri-nyah chapter 1 . 12/10/2005
*Claps* You, my friend, are an amazing author.

I've procrastinated homework and Christmas shopping just to finish this series!

The battles are realistic, the wolves aren't "invincible", and the character development is just - wow. (The entire thing with Katrana betraying them over and over while promising to be loyal worked out well!)

I have to tell 'ya, most of the Zoid fics out there with original characters are bad - but this isn't any usual Zoid fic. :3 Extra points 'cause you used Command Wolves - the guys deserve more love than any "Star-Liger" or "Death Whatever" I've seen prowling the net.

*CLAPCLAPCLAP* Well done - well done - this is definetly going in my favorites!

Man - if I could send cookies or money through the comp, you should know I'd be showering you with gifts. ; Since it's impossible... How about fanart?

I'm not too sure if you'd appreicate someone drawing your characters and the lovely PAC, but if you don't mind - can I try?
pointytilly chapter 10 . 11/20/2005
"Let’s just say, keeping my life quiet isn’t easy."

Wonderful, wonderful end line. That phrase ties the whole thing together, really. The end battle almost seemed a bit too adrupt, but at the same time, that just works so well.

Nice work, man.
pointytilly chapter 5 . 11/20/2005
"Unfortunately, the store didn’t sell shoes, so we still had to walk in the same old crappy Imperial Officer dress shoes."

I love the little details like that, you know? (see my reviews for the Stone Dragon, been reading that tonight too)

Why is no one else reviewing this, eh? *pokes people*