Reviews for Beauty and the Beast Inuyasha Style!
D.K. Willikers chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
OMG! I read this story on The Hero In The 21st Century website! Wow, I can't believe some one would plagerize every single word of it... In school we got lectured soo harshly about it, even though it was for a socials project and some people put it into thier own words we still all mostly failed the project... I failed by 7% and I didn't even plagerize!
Alacron chapter 1 . 12/1/2005
Just reviewing to show my support. I read the story back when you first posted it, and it pisses me off that someone would plagerize your work like this. If finals weren't coming up, I'd read through it again, just for old times sake, but I'm afraid I can't. Oh well, winter breaks coming up, so maybe then huh?
Chris-san chapter 1 . 11/29/2005
Wow, I'm reviewing my own story. Go me...

I thought I should just breifly explain why the story was taken down. I had hoped to go through the thing and re-vamp it to include working links to the pictures I had made with it. The pictures have been long since lost in a Hard Drive crash, and I just never found the time to complete it. It was not taken down, as one person suggested, because it broke the guidlines.

And thank you all for the support. I'd forgotten how nice it feels to recieve reviews again. Thankyou.
qtkag chapter 1 . 11/29/2005
hey! i really like this fic. I am sorry to hear that someone out there is so low to plagerise someones work. I truly feel sorry for someone like that. Anyway, the story is great, please update soon.
Jezunya chapter 1 . 11/28/2005

Whoo! You're back! For good, hopefully?

Anyway, way to go against plagarism! I remember reading this story way back when you were first posting it. Ah, those were the good ol' days...

Heh, anyway, thought I'd mention - the url you put in here didn't show up. (FF . net doesn't allow urls in the stories anymore) Maybe you could put it on your bio page..?

Well, I can't wait to read more from you (the new chapter of Labrynth is calling to me..!) but alas I am plagued with that same horrible thing as you - college. And finals only two weeks away! Ack!

Keep up the good work! You're one of the 'Great Ones' in this fandom and it would be a tragedy to lose your fiction ;)

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