Reviews for Dangerous Ground
Some Girl chapter 36 . 6/17/2014
You totally should have included the sex -_-
Guest chapter 36 . 6/11/2014
That was the best Zutara story iv read! Thank you for writing it!:)
RogueHero.1 chapter 36 . 4/17/2014
Oh my god! That was so good loved it...!
CuppaTea13 chapter 36 . 4/3/2014
Wow- great story. I'm a sop for Zutara. :) But, I wonder why you got rid of Zuko's scar? I realize that, yes, Ozai had been the one to give it to him and in many ways it represented Ozai's cruelty and evil (if he could do that to his own son...) but when Zuko becomes a champion for good, and starts working with rather than against the balance of the world, I always thought that the scar became more a badge of honor. It shows what Zuko has overcome and is a blatant sign of just how different he is from his father. Yes, it's a scar, which means it was once a wound, but it has healed and while the pain may be gone, the lesson learned from surviving it remains. But that's just me. Anyways- I love how you have Katara struggle with her own prejudice about firebenders and also LET'S JUST TALK ABOUT GRAN GRAN AND IROH! That conversation was PRICELESS! I almost cried I was giggling so hard. Totally made my day. Anyways- bravo on a job well done and a tale well told.
CuppaTea13 chapter 32 . 4/3/2014
Yay for big brother Sokka! I love sibling relationships- they are so much fun and so underrated by most stories, I think. Siblings can be so amazingly important to you.
CuppaTea13 chapter 24 . 4/3/2014
FINALLY! THEY KISSED! Well, took them long enough. :) My shipper heart is pleased.
CuppaTea13 chapter 23 . 4/3/2014
Ahhhhh! Quint is my new favorite person EVER!
CuppaTea13 chapter 10 . 4/3/2014
Katara's got a brilliant idea! Ooooh I love it!
CuppaTea13 chapter 1 . 4/1/2014
Awesome. Love how you've made Zuko their prisoner rather than the cliche Katara as Zuko's prisoner deal. Super excited to keep reading!
Aura chapter 24 . 3/23/2014
Three words, "I love you!" This is probably one of the best fanfic I have ever read. Literally how you developed Zutara's relationship was awesome. I couldn't stop reading, I'm mean seriously it was like 2 in the morning, I got like zero sleep, but totally worth it.
Poodie chapter 36 . 2/24/2014
I'm simply in love with Zuko and this story, so much to say but no words to say it! Exalent job omg. God bless. Poodie
Of Roses and Lilies chapter 36 . 2/18/2014
I enjoyed reading this solo much. It had and amazing plot, and I loved the way you portrayed zuko and katara's relationship. Please keep writing more zutara!
Rapunzel3 chapter 36 . 2/8/2014
This is an amazing story! Thank you so much for writing it! i loved every moment
Zukoissocute chapter 36 . 2/4/2014
I loved your story!
Zukoissocute chapter 34 . 2/4/2014
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