Reviews for Dangerous Ground
mgirl20 chapter 36 . 3/8/2013
You are a wonderful writer! Thank you for sharing your ideas with all of us.
HowlX23 chapter 36 . 2/17/2013
God bless you :)
Sahar chapter 30 . 2/4/2013
Almost 8 years later and still a hard-core Zutara fan. Your story has honestly made me cry with joy because of the beautiful plot and the amazingly chemistry between the two.
lizzytea chapter 36 . 1/8/2013
WOw. You have no idea how much I enjoyed reading this. Bless you for writing such an epic tale.
Guest chapter 36 . 1/5/2013
This story was absolutely amazing! I loved all the fluff and character development. By the end of this chapter I was crying happy tears for zuko and katara :3 ZUTARA 4EVER
Cotton and Cash chapter 36 . 1/2/2013

The end.
meow chapter 36 . 12/30/2012
i love this story, i found it today and finished it reading it in a whole day. you're amazing! keep writing, omg. i love you
duchesscarml chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
I lived this! Great job. You see the relationship between Katara and Aang the same as I do.
Beccaroni chapter 27 . 12/1/2012
OMG the fireplace thing!
AAAHHH SO CUTE! I'm sorry I keep freaking out but this story is just so good! :)
Beccaroni chapter 20 . 12/1/2012
Just kiss already!
TeamJacob101 chapter 36 . 10/21/2012
O my gosh this was such a wonderful story! I couldn't stop reading! Definitely my favorite story so far! Gosh I might just have to start reading it again tomorrow
jessi chapter 36 . 10/19/2012
Excellent story! I loved it.
Mascaramoon chapter 3 . 10/12/2012
Ooooooohhhh.. I think this might turn out to be a Zuko vs aang over katara. Sounds interesting
hawkgirl27 chapter 36 . 10/11/2012
turly an amazing piece of work. i loved how througly you developed the characters in particular watching Zuko evolve was quite an experince his journey from being a boy to a man as equally heart wrenching as it wart heart warming,
You penned Katra as exaclty as i see her firece, loyal brave, and compassionate.

The second is even more certain:

On that night, Fire and Water became one.

That night marked the first of many nights filled with peace and happiness for all the nations. War would no longer ravish homes with fear, the blood of young men and women would no longer stain the ground. A new day had dawned, marking the end of a time when the world had tread on Dangerous Ground.
wonderful ending
your characters were a treasure to behold i will revist this one oftem
hawkgirl27 chapter 35 . 10/11/2012
There was a pause for some time. I let out the breath I'd been holding and strained my ears. The silence roared around me.

"I see you like my daughter."



"I love her."
"Ah, clever."



"It's not clever. It's the truth."

"Hm. Passionate.
"You healed me, Katara." His voice was barely above a whisper. Slowly, he began to unwrap the package in his hands. I gasped at what I saw.

There was another pause, and I let myself breathe before I passed out
"Everything else in this world pales when you are standing next to it. I could have all the riches my father dreamed of and never be happy without you there. You are my only weakness, Katara. And you are my only love..." He took a breath
one of my favorite chapters
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