Reviews for Gabriel
Guest chapter 44 . 11/19
T'was peak while it lasted
ava da keda chapter 44 . 10/14
This is a damn good story!
I just read the thing a second time (in like 3 days), completely forgetting that it was last updated in 2015 D:
moonprincess97524 chapter 44 . 8/8
Well, that was a huge hint. I hope Ron gets it. I hope that Levi is helped soon. I am loving this wonderful story so far and I am looking forward to more when you have time to update this.
Grym1in chapter 6 . 8/2
Chapter 5 is currently inaccessible. It loads a blank white screen.
Loving the story so far by the way!
gremlin914 chapter 7 . 6/15
Absolutely love that dramatic entrance
LAB1 chapter 44 . 4/3
I just found this story and I absolutely love it! Everything is coming together and the character development is so good! I hope you find the time and energy to finish your tale!
lbwtv chapter 44 . 3/17
Wow what a great story
I thought it was complete is it not ?
mumphie chapter 44 . 10/1/2023
An intriguing story. I've enjoyed it. I'm glad that you've gotten Harry/Brie to start to get to know Sirius. I've always thought Canon really had it out for him. I'm also glad Harry/Brie has started to get to know his background. Not sure where you wanted this to go. Seems Harry/Brie will be on a collision course with his uncle. Trading one Dark Lord for another isn't all that wonderful an idea for a people. Though you have made being Dark not as insane or evil as canon. I would guess that your mojo bought plane tickets to a far away place. Ah well. It would be great if you, someday, got inspiration for this again.
Adorereading chapter 44 . 7/20/2023
Why was this never finished? It's sooo good.
Guest chapter 44 . 6/2/2023
*pokes update date* hey Shika I think this thing is broke….*sad face* I just want to read more please.
Ltbutterfly287 chapter 1 . 2/27/2023
the fact that you have implied child abuse is ridiculous, if he was taken from it at the tender age of five none of it would stick to his character and he really wouldn't remember it by the time he attends Hogwarts so there really isn't a reason to involve it.
Katherine-Alvers chapter 44 . 1/31/2023
I come back every couple of years to reread this. It pains me to see it unfinished but it's just so good that I have no choice but to read it again. Thank you for the great story 3
Ricee chapter 5 . 1/28/2023
props to you for not using the cringe "his name came out of the goblet and now must reveal himself" plotpoint
please update chapter 44 . 1/6/2023
please update
trevan.richards chapter 8 . 12/3/2022
I’m so happy Harry won’t be a crybaby pushover. I hate stories that give him extreme ptsd from his family
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