Reviews for Shattered |
tinycutefauna chapter 25 . 3/30/2024 This is really wonderful 3 |
Makareth chapter 25 . 7/13/2020 Cool story! |
jasnrob chapter 25 . 2/9/2020 Enjoyed your story! |
whyisn'tmyotpcanon chapter 23 . 8/6/2019 This is so nice I love how they’re all getting along in the midst of battle and making jokes and just not being enemies for the time being! Amazing character development btw! |
whyisn'tmyotpcanon chapter 19 . 8/6/2019 I love how all three of them teamed up with their mutual hate for Zhao. |
whyisn'tmyotpcanon chapter 8 . 8/6/2019 Can I get Anko to clean my place for me please that’s so useful?! |
axel100 chapter 25 . 4/17/2017 Just finished this in one sitting. A terrific story from the early days of Avatar. Of course if you dropped into the actual plot of the show it would probably make quite a difference, if only in how Zuko treats Team Avatar and his Uncle in Season 2. Thanks for a good diversion though. |
axel100 chapter 25 . 4/17/2017 Just finished this in one sitting. A terrific story from the early days of Avatar. Of course if you dropped into the actual plot of the show it would probably make quite a difference, if only in how Zuko treats Team Avatar and his Uncle in Season 2. Thanks for a good diversion though. |
Kyu-Momo chapter 25 . 3/22/2017 This was great! Thanks for writing and sharing! :3 |
CorbynPool chapter 25 . 12/25/2016 The character development was fantastic, the story was well thought out, the characterizations were spot on, the banter between characters was endearing... Seriously, what else can I say about this amazing story than, go read it! |
TidePoolDevil chapter 1 . 11/13/2016 I loved this so much. |
Convenient Alias chapter 25 . 7/13/2016 Indeed, an excellent Zuko story. I loved Anko though-I expected her to be a generic OC but she turned out awesome. |
Otaku With Cats chapter 25 . 5/8/2015 This by far is my favorite Avatar the Last Airbender fic, and I've read almost all of them that I can get my mouse on. |
hi123 chapter 12 . 4/11/2015 By the way can we have aangs time with zhao and not only zuko? :-) Thanks! |
hi123 chapter 12 . 4/11/2015 Zuko is SO cruel in chapter 12! Appas such a big softie and loyal friend. :-0 Guess I cant really blame him. Heehee. :-) Great story by the way! |