Reviews for Shattered
RetaroO chapter 1 . 12/18/2005
oh, I wouldn't worry about your lack of computer knowledge, this story is fantastic, can you PLEASE make this a Zutara? If you say yes, I'll add this to my Favorites!... ok, I'd do that anyway... baut, still, make this a Zutara
Katuko chapter 1 . 12/15/2005
BRILLIANT writing. Really superb stuff you gots here. I like how you did Zhao's character, he's very..not ooc. That's actually hard to do because so many people (like i would...) overdo his level of ruthlessness, and others write him far to lenient. Great first chap. I'd like to see some more
pirateninjelover chapter 1 . 12/15/2005
I like your story! keep writing :)
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