Reviews for Shattered
Malinda B chapter 25 . 3/6/2015
Hey, I know it's been years since you finished this, and I don't know if you're even on this website anymore, but just in case you see this, I wanted you to know that this is a fantastic piece of writing, and that you have a true gift for character development. Anko is one of the few OC's I've read that seems believable, your writing for all the canon characters was good as well, and the plot stands on its own without resorting to the tropes that get recycled too often on websites like this one (ships, excess fluff, meat jokes, etc.) As fanfiction, it is golden; as writing, it shines.
Ruby of Raven chapter 25 . 11/16/2014
Aw! It's over? No! I want more! This was so good! Thank you for writing this one of a kind story. It was an interesting AU on the earlier episodes in the series.
Goneawayfromhere chapter 25 . 8/15/2014
Awesome story. I love it. Great ending by the way
Twerpine chapter 8 . 5/27/2014
While re-reading this fic (which is awesome btw) I just realized I unconciously named my mule after your Max.
Well ok, its only a virtuell one from Minecraft. But it was my first mule there, I bred and raised him myself.
And as soon as I was riding him for the first time, that name came to my mind. :)
Sadly he died, drowned in an error, located in a lake. I couldn't do a thing, had to watch him die, while listening to his shrieks : ..(
Typhos chapter 25 . 3/7/2014
I loved reading about Anko; conniving old woman. She is very good at reading people. And Zuko was just the right amount of arrogant, angry, and emotional. I loved it all together. Great job, writing this story.
Nemine chapter 25 . 12/31/2013
Nicely written story. It fits in well with the cannon and I like the development of it. Anko was also quite an interesting character to read about and I would be interested to see her meeting up again with Zuko and the rest following the end of the series. Thank you for writing and posting this!
ShutUpYourePerfect chapter 25 . 8/12/2013
Great story, luv it
The beginning was heart wrenching
Wish I was good as a writer
sub.C chapter 25 . 1/21/2013
The pleasure was all mine... General MagnusRae. :)
I SO MUCH enjoyed beeing a part of this deeply beautiful story... you got me so really stunned... I mean REALLY... :)
sub.C chapter 24 . 1/21/2013
Wow... whatever I could try to say now to review this, it would destroy it... it's just... wow :..) *sniff*
sub.C chapter 22 . 1/21/2013
But wtf... HOW did he GET THERE?!
sub.C chapter 17 . 1/20/2013
"Right, I get to move shit all day with Prince Personality..." *rofl* I LUV this ff so so so much, really! :) :) :)

"Don't. Don't forgive me. I don't deserve to be forgiven." :( *sigh*... Zuko honey... sure you deserve to :(... but you won't see this unless you forgive yourself... and NO... DON'T LEAVE! ó_Ò
sub.C chapter 15 . 1/20/2013
Zuko melting in the rain :D?!
(Did I... by any chance... already mention that Anko is SO COOL *lol*...!? But I fear I think she's even older than ME *sigh*... but anyway... I could read this ff once again in ten years or something... then I'll have caught up with Anko agewise ;)...!)
sub.C chapter 10 . 1/19/2013
Have I ever mentioned that Anko is SO COOL?! :D
Second place goes to the cat though! :)
sub.C chapter 7 . 1/19/2013
"Sorry, you didn't come with a name tag. ..." *lol* Dear your OC is so cool! :D
I'm also too old for this universe ;)... but if your OC is your age, then I guess that's my age as well :)... it's always good to find out a ff contains a character you can identify with! :)

(And now I won't stop reading before having finished at least chapter 8, as I was told to do so at the beginning of... chapter 6 or so ;)...)
Guest chapter 25 . 12/24/2012
Very good
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