Reviews for Labyrinth: Immortal Love
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2024
So sorry about the mean reviewers. They really do ruin things for others.

I so love this story and would like to read the sequel. You write beautifully. Giving enough to the settings, the story and the characters without over explaining. You give the reader room to populate the story with their own magic.

I hope to see the sequel (or sequels) but nevertheless, thank you for what you have written.
Jerlanege chapter 16 . 7/23/2022
Onde esta a continuação?
Geliot99 chapter 8 . 7/21/2022
I don’t know why but this reminds me of Howl and Sophie. I love it.
Guest chapter 16 . 5/16/2022
Well aren’t you an asshole. Fuck you
Guest chapter 14 . 5/16/2022
This chapter was a waste of time. Completely useless.
Sleepydragon19 chapter 16 . 2/10/2022
Oh please, please continue. I've just re read this after finding it may years ago and its just amazing.
IncrediblyCurious chapter 16 . 9/19/2021
No no no! A sequel? That sounds great BUT what’s it called ? I’m on the edge of my seat and TOTALLY HOOKED! Please let me know
MommaRahl chapter 1 . 7/14/2021
I love how you write. how you put details in the story. that said I'll say that this isn't a romance story and I had wished Sarah had ended on equal footing with Jareth. Seemed unfinished and depressing. Stockholm Syndrome wins again.
Gloria chapter 16 . 1/24/2021
Dianne chapter 16 . 12/21/2020
Bravo! Loved it
Dianne chapter 8 . 12/21/2020
OMG! Absolutely love it so far! This is EXACTLY what I’ve been needing and thank you so much! I just can’t seem to stop and put it down
Guest chapter 16 . 12/15/2020
Seriously enjoyed, please get on sequel.
Guest 2020 chapter 16 . 9/18/2020
This is one of the great masterpieces of the Labyrinth fiction stories, in my estimation. Thank you for creating and sharing it here.
Anime and Lollipops chapter 1 . 8/8/2020
great story, wish for it to have for a mature story, but very upset that it's not finished. I spent my day reading wanting to finish just to find out they're supposed to be a sequel but there's no sequel in sight. I cried from frustrating because I was so hooked.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/12/2020
Sequel you say? (swirls wine & glances at calendar)
Not bloody likely.
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