Reviews for Labyrinth: Immortal Love
SarahlouiseDodge chapter 16 . 9/29/2015
I enjoyed reading this but where are the sequels you mentioned it ends quite abruptly
TenderHeart702 chapter 16 . 9/14/2015
This is the best labyrinth fanfiction I have read (and I have read a lot). I'm a big fan!
Cookietown chapter 16 . 8/24/2015
So kundur or what ever betrayed them
theBabewiththePower chapter 16 . 8/16/2015
Now that was just mean, I went to look for a sequel but there was none! Grrrr.

Really though, you are a very talented storyteller, I blew off all my responsibilities today because I couldn't stop reading. Wonderful job.

And I'm not just saying that so that you won't think that I'm one of those people that just skims through the M-rated section looking for smut, either. It really was good. I hope you come back and write more, you are a vital asset to this fandom )
theBabewiththePower chapter 15 . 8/16/2015
Holy shit. That was some of the best smut ever. I can't even call it smut. More like 'Glorious-World-Shattering-Love-Bits'.

Guest chapter 7 . 6/3/2015
Great job!
yelrac chapter 16 . 5/31/2015
I can't wait to read the sequel! You write the suspense wonderfully!
moira hawthorne chapter 16 . 3/29/2015
sooooo I was REreading... b/c its one of my guilt pleasures... and than just when Im about to skip to "Dangers Untold"... I read this: So, if you're one of my Labyrinth readers, and you have copies of either "Dangers Untold" or "Shove's Tale", or if you know of someone who might... let me know? Please?
well this maybe too obvious an answer... but by chance did you perhaps have your storys on Deviantart? .. or adult -fanfiction org .. Underground labyrinth retrogression org
Hall of Rune chapter 16 . 2/28/2015
Marvelous. Though the ending knocked me to the floor, it was still quite satisfying and left me on edge (what an unexpected cliffhanger). The promise of a sequel did help to quell the panic, so thank you for the notice.
It's been a while since I read this, so only the past 2-3 chapters from where I last left off are fresh in mind. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed this - particularly your knack for prepping a moment by aptly painting a setting for a particular scene to unfold. As I said, it's been a while since I was last here, but from what I do recall, certain words and descriptions made all the difference in your writing. Jareth's first encounter with Sarah's bedroom, the enigmatic expressions that lend Jareth an appealingly otherworldly air, the ball (my, I can imagine what a beautiful dream it would be to behold), and so forth. I do wish I could remember some of the finer details of the rest of the story, as I feel there is more to address (because of this, I am also lacking a proper critique).

Still, this was an enchanting and wonderful read and I may return to it on another day. I wish you well on your writing endeavors - good luck
Mango Supreme chapter 16 . 2/16/2015
okay this was a treat to read

like a little cupcake
thank you so much for sharing i enjoyed reading this from the start to the end!
Alaksandra chapter 3 . 12/3/2014
I remember reading this year's ago. I am so happy to have found it again.
nekochan1994 chapter 16 . 9/10/2014
... Good call with that List.
nekochan1994 chapter 15 . 9/10/2014
nekochan1994 chapter 14 . 9/10/2014
1.) Awesome!

2.) Where did you come up with Kundrun?

3.) *bounces off the walls* I love Jealous Jareth!

4.) Will Jareth's parents make an entrance?
nekochan1994 chapter 13 . 9/10/2014

Don't get me wrong. Awesome cliffhanger; Hair-tearing interruption.
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