Reviews for The Story of The Guys
EdTheBeast chapter 11 . 3/2
To bad never finished.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 11 . 7/4/2023
I’m disappointed that this story didn’t continue. I think there was a lot here to like. Life changes for all people, including writers, so sometimes fics just stop.
Thank you for sharing your creativity.
darthkratos24 chapter 2 . 1/26/2023
I know old and dead story but thought I'd say my two pits anyways. The first chapter was strong this one not so much. After being ignored for 10 years a child won't suddenly feel sorry because they got an I'm sorry LETTER! Not even in person a letter... No they'd instantly think "why'd you never tell me then?" Or "how come it's in a letter and not person" a child no matter how smart will instantly think their just trying to stop him going dark with the knowledge harry has. Their saving face and nothing more, be should burn and ignore the letter because it's worth absolutely feck all in actual apologize material and he should never respond to it till they prove their actual sorry or not
Chaiiiii chapter 9 . 7/6/2022
The.Grey.Hunter chapter 11 . 7/3/2021
I'm very sorry that you have abandoned this excellent fic. Thanks for sharing what you wrote.

epain chapter 1 . 7/1/2021
This is an interesting story and Michael seems to be a unique name for Harry's brother. Thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/30/2021
Hannah abott
Nate chapter 8 . 3/28/2021
ProfessorBowties chapter 11 . 3/24/2021
Is it worthwhile to hope for an update, or am I being overly hopeful?
Probably the second.
dianaanne chapter 11 . 10/13/2020
Really enjoy this. I know it’s been a long time, but maybe you could finish first year?
Guest chapter 1 . 10/5/2020
Couldn't get past the first chapter
muffdyvr chapter 11 . 3/19/2020
this fic sucks balls
muffdyvr chapter 1 . 3/19/2020
pulling childish pranks after being hospitalize...
can you useless pussy?
mickeysofine chapter 1 . 11/7/2019
You do know how humans work, right?

I suggest you keep that information in mind and then have a read of your work.
You'll notice that your characters aren't human going by how they talk to each other and how they think.

They're written like an Alien trying to make sense of something it's never seen before.
Almost but not quite right, it's the uncanny valley of characterisation.
DR5996 chapter 11 . 7/19/2019
I'm sorry that you interrupted the fanfic, seems interesting...
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