Reviews for The Lost Queen of Narnia
Sage1988 chapter 11 . 10/1/2015
An absolutely brilliant story
Sue Clover chapter 11 . 4/19/2015
So did Derik kill her? In the mortal world? That's the impression I'm getting, anyway. It was a good story: moving, and it kept me interested, and it completed a story that I always thought had a rather unsatisfactory ending. This helps, a bit. Thank you.
Ansy chapter 11 . 8/24/2014
This was pretty. I love stories when Susan return to Narnia (or where they are).
longliveaslan chapter 11 . 1/3/2011
Thank you so much! This may be one of the best Susan Pevensie fanfictions out there! This proves that you can have a wonderful susan pevensie story without (ahem) "inappropriate" action between her and Caspian! God bless you
Greathe chapter 11 . 11/22/2010
This was fun to read. So, I'm guessing the epilogue you mentioned at the end of the last chapter isn't happening? It's okay if it isn't, because the chapters ending was a good one, but I wouldn't mind an epilogue.
Fierce Queen chapter 11 . 10/21/2009
Oh! I loved this Kate! It was delightful.

Aslan's Blessings,

Roonwit chapter 11 . 3/19/2009
Well done with this story! Susan-based fan fics are my favorite, especially those stories that end with her joining her family in Narnia. This story contained a few "filler" chapters in which nothing significant took place; however, you made up for this in other chapters. The dialogue was somewhat misplaced and awkward-it seemed like it didn't really fit into a 1940s era. I like how you introduced an antagonist-Derik-to the story and the scene with Aslan and Derik wss very good. I love the ending and how Susan seeks forgiveness, which is of course granted to her. Very good story, Kate. I've added it to my favorites. Well done-I love it. :)
IrishSongBird chapter 4 . 12/24/2008
Hey Kate, my wonderful beta! So since winter break is here and I finally had a free moment to spare, I decided to go back and re-read this story. I'll admit that I just skimmed it over the summer!

Anywho, I'm only up to chapter four, but I love it. :) I hope you explain how Susan's trunk came to be in England! Since it's Christmas Eve and I'm about to go out to dinner with my family, however, the rest will have to wait until another day...Merry Christmas!
incarnationofvictory chapter 5 . 12/14/2008
I just watched the fright before christmas(Danny Phantom) and now as i read this i keep reading in rhyme(and write so it seems i'm getting kinda freaked now) wonderful story but it took me FOREVER! to re-find it(it's like you remember a story or show you loved but you just can't remember the title or author)
creative-writing-girl13 chapter 11 . 12/6/2008
Wow this amazing! I can't beleive! And I was crying so hard! And Now my parents are staring at me very oddly... that's not different then usual though! wow, I hope you continue to write!
incarnationofvictory chapter 5 . 9/28/2008
i love the twist of derik being greedy just love it, this really makes it more interesting. Wonder how long it's going to take Susan to realize he's just using her to get to Narnia...
incarnationofvictory chapter 3 . 9/28/2008
ya' know i always wondered is Susan could ever go back to narnia i think this is the perfect way to see if she could i mean, having her remember but pretend not to is a bit off why would she do that? but having aslan(it better be him) trying to gether to remember is great!
The Halfling of the Shire chapter 1 . 7/9/2008
YOur vocabulary is very rich and I really enjoyed this chapter overall. BVut there are a couple things that are driving me nuts. The first is that, the first stage after something tragic happens is shock and denial, and you sort of skipped that and went straight to the numb acceptance. YOu didn't really mention any tears. Once I lost something very very dear to me and tried not to cry myself to sleep every night. Maybe a little touch along those lines, but otherwise, this is one of the best Susan fics I've read! Please continue!
I'd rather live in books chapter 11 . 6/7/2008
That was great. I am so glad Susan was able to go home with her family. Ihope you do post a final chapter or at least make the story say complete
Aimme chapter 11 . 2/2/2008
I stumbled across this fic through a friend, and was afraid I wouldn't have time to read it. But then, today, I ended up having nothing to do and came back to this fic - and found that I couldn't leave it. ;D I really quite enjoyed it, and, though my knowledge in this area is lacking, found it very refreshing to read a story such as this. I don't usually read Narnia fics, but this one seems to me to be one of a kind.

So, even if I did arrive late to its telling, I greatly enjoyed hearing the tale. I have wondered from time to time what might have become of Susan, and with this happy ending I rather like how things all turned out for her. ;D

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