Reviews for Tears on the Balcony
bolter34 chapter 44 . 7/16/2024
i really like the way its written and tbh its gripping enough for me to wanna finish reading, just to see the whole plot untwist, but i must say im not a fan of the way the characters are portrayed. at all. lily is so petty and argumentative, always picking fights, its unbearable. and james? first hes literally a cheater, but he can be super cruel to lily as well… and their arguments are so repetitive and annoying honestly, they seem so forced, just to keep the story going. and riley? at one point she was just purely evil.
doverman05 chapter 39 . 4/13/2024
Idk… i like the humor, plot progression, and pace of this fic, it’s been interesting to follow along with. That said, I can’t stand this characterization of Lily. She’s non-communicative, petty, explodes on people who she doesn’t like, holds grudges, and her fights with James are getting kind of repetitive and boring… neither of them learn anything or fundamentally change their behavior, but particularly not Lily. It feels like you’re trying to make her likable/relatable but she comes across as unbelievably annoying. And as for James, he shows hints of growth but randomly reverts into immaturity. I felt like their fighting could’ve been resolved ages ago if not for Lily’s lack of communication and holding of grudges. I do like Sirius and Remus here, I wish the romantic arcs could’ve been built out to be more interesting and less angsty. I’m basically 40 chapters in because it’s interesting, but it’s a tough read.
Irisgogogo chapter 1 . 4/9/2023
I love this story~
Guest chapter 2 . 5/5/2022
I still dislike James BTW… he’s entitled
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2022
This fanfic’s chapters are so loooong!
…Not that that’s a bad thing…
sekailine chapter 45 . 2/28/2022
I’m hating Lily for liking James when his coping mechanism after manipulating someone’s emotions is going back to shag his girlfriend. Lily deserves better.
Black Widow chapter 47 . 12/17/2021
Actually it is James' fault. Why can't he realize Lily is the one for him!
Black Widow chapter 38 . 12/17/2021
I love your story so far but damn... repetition of the same fights between James and Lily gets sooo annoying! They aren't making any progress!
Fuck Names chapter 12 . 12/15/2021
The badly written and frankly quite frustrating, idiotic character that is Riley has made me quit this story after reading 12 chapters. Truly a shame.
Fuck Names chapter 10 . 12/15/2021
I really don't understand Riley. I get she's worried but to be that upset? You sure she ain't in love with her own brother?
Fuck Names chapter 9 . 12/15/2021
is she really that thick? James did mention he liked her on the train scene. ur deliberately making her an idiot at this point
Fuck Names chapter 6 . 12/14/2021
Fuck Names chapter 3 . 12/14/2021
Fuck Names chapter 2 . 12/14/2021
Finally a story where he tries to move on, while knowing he was a prat but also realising he deserves better.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/24/2021
One of the most beautiful chapters I have ever read!
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