Reviews for Property
julliamey chapter 16 . 2/15/2024
is kagome life span get longer ?
WiseFly chapter 16 . 4/19/2023
i really enjoyed this journey, well told, believable portrayals, thank you so much
FairyTail J-Extra chapter 16 . 9/19/2022
I liked the story but I would like to point out that in the beginning of the story you said that Shippou was no longer Blood Bound and free, yet at the end of the story you said he was still Blood Bound. This story seemed to have a few inconsistencies but other than that it wasn’t bad
alannalove1990 chapter 16 . 3/21/2022
Oh my goodness! This story was so cute! I had perfect pacing and the AU was so wonderful and well thought out. At the beginning our kind of was having a hard time getting it but after the first two chapters at holy fall in love with it. This is for sure one of my favorite a use for this Perry. I am telling you to check out some other works. Thank you for such a great story!
alannalove1990 chapter 15 . 3/21/2022
alannalove1990 chapter 14 . 3/21/2022
alannalove1990 chapter 13 . 3/21/2022
So much angst!
alannalove1990 chapter 12 . 3/21/2022
Sooo intense
alannalove1990 chapter 11 . 3/21/2022
What a horrible dad!
alannalove1990 chapter 10 . 3/21/2022
Wowwww so sweet
alannalove1990 chapter 9 . 3/21/2022
Wowwwww what a dream
alannalove1990 chapter 8 . 3/21/2022
Wowww so much drama
alannalove1990 chapter 7 . 3/21/2022
alannalove1990 chapter 6 . 3/21/2022
alannalove1990 chapter 5 . 3/21/2022
This is a good AU
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