Reviews for Team 8
Ember chapter 24 . 2/1
I loved this, I hope you would consider continuing the story, it deserves so much more, and I'll have to check out that original work. See you later Author-kun!
Ember chapter 23 . 2/1
Hahaha! Naruto summoning an angry Pokémon is most amusing! XD And poor Kurama, I don't blame him for hating being stuck in stale smelly water for years. Poor furball.
Ember chapter 22 . 2/1
What is this gag you speak of? (eyebrow wiggle) Ahh, every time you mention Kurenai you make me cry! T-T
Ember chapter 21 . 2/1
Random thought here, what would happen to Naruto if one of his clones got Tsukiyomi-ed? Would he inadvertently be put in it, or would he just have memories of it? Hiashi can go jump of a cliff!
Ember chapter 20 . 2/1
Why?! I loved Kurenai! How could you do this? T_T This is a VERY well written story, I will be sad to finish it, but then I might reread it.
Ember chapter 19 . 2/1
Ahh, Neji is less of a jerk now! and Hinata gets to go on an extended trip with Naru-kun!
Ember chapter 18 . 1/31
This was awesome! Haku is brilliant as ever, I've frequently wished he ended up in Konoha, he would've been so helpful! I have wondered if Mattai betrayed the village/the Hyuugas were planning coup or something, going over to another village maybe? Ehh, I don't really like Hiashi in canon anyway. Plus if it summons take a jonin level of chakra, it would make sense for her not to have it yet. I didn't even think about what they did with Haku, although I feel like I should've expected this, since any time Haku doesn't die in a fanfic he goes to Konoha.
Ember chapter 17 . 1/31
Aww man, I hoped they would get their chakra slurped, then Gaara would've been more easily handled.
Ember chapter 16 . 1/31
Umm, Iruka, you had BETTER tell the Hokage that the Hyuugas are planning to murder Naruto... also I like that you filch a bunch of money of the Hyuugas, it's such poetic justice. ;p
Ember chapter 15 . 1/31
Watashi no kawaii! If I could I would pummel every single blockheaded Hyuuga into a bloody pulp. How to make Hinata see she is very good... Good riddance to Sasuke, he deserves a concussion!
Ember chapter 14 . 1/31
So I guess you changed the Sound team making it? I suppose that makes sense, but I thought they did leave their scroll and still passed in canon too... but I haven't watched it in a while soo... Yoroi also called him Fat, all who call an Akimichi such are DOOMED! XD
Ember chapter 13 . 1/30
I still hope Kyuubi and Naruto can get along like they eventually do, somewhere in the timeline...
Ember chapter 12 . 1/30
Shino you are much more sneaky and clever than I anticipated! :D
Ember chapter 11 . 1/30
Do you watch Star Wars or are you just Correlian? XD Sorry if you don't get it, the "Never give me the odds" just sounded like a Han Solo/Wedge Antilles quote that I really like.
Ember chapter 10 . 1/30
Kakashi I'm surprised at you, you of all people should know that he ought to be extremely strong, seeing as you knew his parents very well, and you know who they were.
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