Reviews for Team 8
granite69 chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
cool chapter i just got abit lost or it could be that i just got up and i am reading this half asleep i dunno but it was still pretty good
Mealstorm chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
It's so good .. so good. I love this fic. I think is due to your writing style. Nothing that could be categorised as 'entertaining' ( a big fight etc. ) happened, but your skills make this story very interesting and enjoyable ... update soon ...
korrd chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
Great fic. Will this be Naruto/Hinata? Update soon.
MitMiyu chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
That was really cool. I like how you wrote it. I can't wait for the next one to come out! Your really did make Naruto more real! Update soon! :)
HitokiriOTD chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
One of the most promising Naruto fics I've ever seen: good spelling, grammar, and a storyline with a lot of potential. Keep up the good work!
Morsamare chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
Damn, GOOD work on this! Have only one complaint, and for only a minor point, Kurenai's description of Ino... personal pet peeve I suppose, but she is the only character in the series that goes out of her way to be nice to someone that was being picked on (Sakura). Places her pretty high in my opinion.

On the other hand, loved the characters as you portrayed them, and look forward to thier growth as a group. Keep it up, I'll be looking forward to seeing more of this tale.
Alex DarkFire chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
Once again wonderfully done.

I loved the way you are shapeing this story, from Kurenai's

reasoning behind things to Narutos reactions.

I have to admit, you have done a very nice job in focusing Naruto on the protection of his team, and the best part is,

its intirely believable the way you have done it.

also nice ob with the scene in the weapons shop at the start ; I had this mental image of Kurenai looming over that idiot shop keeper eyes blazing with rage very nice.

can't wait to see more.

Alex DarkFire
Max Knight chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
This chap gave the characters alot to think about on their teammates and situation. I marveled at how you potrayed Shino and his insect like thinking of the hive and such, realy gave me an eye opener on that.

Kurenai's past is slowly revealing itself as it goes and I think that it would be revealed soon ? If not soonre ?

Naruto training with Gai, now that idea I had been musing on in my own fic too and that Gai/Lee are people that aren't prejudice against others. Lee willingly talked to Naruto and faught with him in the Canon and he even cheered on for Naruto while barely knowing him. That makes Lee a really really cool person, cooler than Sasuke. With Naruto's endurance, I could imagine the look on both's faces as he trained with the two taijutsu users.

Tenten with a genjutsu, YEAH ! Finally we get to see Tenten here _ She's one of the girls that doesn't find any grudges to Naruto, unlike Sakura, she's a well controled Kunoichi. Like Ino, she has her goals, however unlike her, SHE COULD KICK ASS !

Well Temari's one of my fav's as well( she being the most powerful Kunoichi Genin in the story) and I can't wait to see how Naruto reacts when he meets Kankurou _.

Hinata's situation was predictable what with her family agenda...however, I also wondered, Is Hiashi really that bad ?

Well hope to see another chap of this.
vedmid chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
very nice, the first chapter was great and this one didn't fall short. The character portrayals in this are great. I'm looking forward to the next chapter
Pel'el chapter 2 . 1/13/2006
Wow, This is going GREAT.

cant wait to see where it heads, and kurenai is sounding very real. With goals and a past. Great Work.
Rorschach's Blot chapter 2 . 1/12/2006
Good story, and good chapter. I like where you're taking this.
Makokam chapter 2 . 1/12/2006
"About a third as many people read this as read a chapter of HP&NFP (based on the hit counts), but that single chapter got more reviews than any chapter of my Harry Potter story to date. I’m not sure what that implies, but it’s kind of interesting to note…"

It's because Anime fans are insane.

No really they are. They tend to be loud, vocal, and rather off balance. So I'm honestly not surprised. I personally saw how many reviews you had and went "Son of a bitch..."

Anyway, on to reviewing the chapter!

Personally, I think you're doing the same thing as you do with the Durslys. Blowing the abuse/neglect thing out of proportion.

Which reminds me, I noticed some similarites between Naruto and Harry in this chapter. Especially when you went to the powerful-old-man-in-charge with intent to berate about leaving young boy to be abused. XD

I liked how you gave everyones perspective on the whole situtaion. Hinata's was especially interesting.

Also, your mention of the buisness man from wave country got me thinking. I really don't think either Team7 or Team8 could take on Zabuza and win... so this give you an interesting chance.

Leave the wave country to Gato.

I don't know what sort of effect it could have... but it might be interesting... :shrug:

By the way, the Hokage paints alot if you hadn't noticed.

And... I think that covers everything, even if it doesn't do it very well.

Makokam out.
YHabiki chapter 2 . 1/12/2006
Right on! This is what an jonin instructor should be and do in casses like Naruto's. I see Naruto as having an unlimited potential on handicaped by the lack of any sort of solid fondation for it to stand on. What this means is that of course he will be shouting about learning big giant colorful ninjitsus that may or may not even be useful to him because he has no grasp of how to truly use any ninja skill apropriatly. With what Kurenai is doing is filling in those gaps. She wants a heavy combat specialist to back up her two scouting specialists well she chose the perfect person to fit that position once time is taken to teach him how. In this chapter she just won Naruto's unwavering loyalty. He will now do anything she asks.
Malkavian Nightmare chapter 2 . 1/12/2006
I Really enjoy your story Team 8. I have read through most of the fanfictions on that seem to have a solid story and I must say im truly impressed. I can't wait to see furthur chapters.
cazertanu chapter 1 . 1/12/2006
blood sweat and ninja tears. raw hated and plotted vengence. ninja being sane and meticlous.

I cannot wait for your next chapter.

Peace favor your sword
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