Reviews for Team 8
Hinatafanboy chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Yet Another Truely inspiring story gosh I love both of your main story so much keep it up
WhItE SeA chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
* I just lv your stories and this story is great please hurry up and update that I just can't wait to see what happens next and see how strong Naruto will get and what people will think about him after that. 10/10 *
RaitenKitsune chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
cant wait for the next chapter
Lask chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Your work, as always, is grammatically good, spellcheeked, and focused without ignoring the larger world (as seen thorough little hints here and there). As such, I found this to be a good beginning, though it also had a number of little things I found worrisome.

You start by putting down the values of Rivalry - a (perhaps well deserved) attack up on infamous Naruto/Sasuke rivalry in the original - but in the cannon such rivalries, as seen between Ino and Sakura, Lee and Neji, even Kakashi and Gai, are seen as positive things encouraging growth. If you had a Sand Nin or Rain nin or something act like that, I could see it, but it goes against the Character of the Leaf.

Having Kurenai come in and, in disgust, save Naruto. She's failling for him (in a parental sense), way to fast. While I can see here being more active in trying to help her student then Kakashi (who seems doesn't like to get involved in personal matters, it seems, at least not before their at their breaking point), this is way to fast, and it's out of character from what little we've seen. Leaf Jounin seem, in general, to like to keep down the fuss (with the exemption of Gai and Anko - either of them might make a be fuss to help their students (If Anko ever hand any), but how Hinata was treated by her family (and how Kurenai didn't do anything) makes her present behavior out of character.

Third, you seem to be ascribing a magical power to the third that he could somehow handwave the hostility against Naruto away, but for some reason chose not to. It's similar to your atitude against Dumbledore in NoFP but with somewhat less justification (Albus does some semmingly silly things (though seemingly silly and silly are very different, and I have always been inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt)).

I hope I haven't come across as needlessly harsh. It's a good beginning, I just don't want it to lose its way.
Tatsu chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Hello Matthew, I was pleasantly surprised by both this story and your Harry Potter story(HP&NFP) when I had my day off today. Please continue writing either of them, as your writing is some of the best I've seen on the site! You at least try to have the characters stay in character, which isn't something you see a lot of in div. fics. and you don't emphasize bad points like so many AU authors I've seen. Well done! The first in what I hope are good points to 2006. I don't know about you, but 2005 wasn't that great a year for me. Here's hoping, and saying you've just gained a very dedicated fan.
The Eromancer chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
*sniff* I actually CRIED while reading this! That has NEVER happened to me before! I'm a person who holds retribution in high regaurd and eoeple who are like Kuranai.. *sniff* just bring a tears to my eyes.

Please update. I "really" want to read more of this. You just became my favorite author of all time, no exceptions.

But if I could, could I make a few sugestions? well I guess i can you can't answer right back anyways.

One, if ya give naruto a weapon to specialize in, make it exceptionaly... bloody. 'm think along the lines of a not really bigass weapon but rather one that takes more... eligence to use. You've seen the game Red Ninja, right? You know that weapon the Kunoichi in the game uses? That Kunai and wire weapon? use THAT. I haven't seen it used yet in and I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen, plus he can change it up like with a weight and wire to wrap around people's throats and then hang em' from a tree, like in the game! Plus it has the added gorr effect, lots of blood. Anf whil naruto dosn't HAVE to like all the blood that comes with the weapon if he learn anything from Kurenai if that appearances can help effect how people see you, so on missions something as terrifying as THAT weapon would be useful.
Carmsfic chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
I loved this fic. Please please keep going!
P.T chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Nice. I really like this; Kurenai, especially, is in great character. Hope you update this soon; you write really well.
Bob the Almighty chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Ooh I think this might turn out to be pretty good- which is rare in the Naruto fandom these days. Everytime I look there anymore all I seem to see is incredibly badly written slash and even worse Mary-Sues- and a lot of the *good* authors are abandoning the fandom in despair. I look forward to seeing more of this fic.
kwangmablade chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
This is a very good story and one of the only original ideas i have seen in the Naruto section i really hope you update this soon its great.
Strumwulf chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Good start. I like how you have set the teams up so far. Will Naruto still go to Water country and meet Haku and Zabuza. Definitely looking forward to more. Will you be showing how Team 7 is working out? I can see lot of fights happening there between the team, especially when Kakashi isn't there.
ShadowObscurity chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Oh! I Like! (forgive me, vocabulary evades me after reading greatness!)

Well written, and interesting... just, well, good! *grins* I'm so happy with it I can't think straight!

I look forward to reading more.

- Shobs
Stefni chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Great choice putting Naruto on a team with Shino and Hinata, it should make them all stronger. If Naruto has a teacher that is interested in his progress and actually helps him train, he should improve by leaps and bounds. Hinata grew so much by Naruto acknowledging her once and if Naruto is there to actively support her, her growth will be phenomenal.
LINKed up chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Wow. This is an excellent story. This story probably has the best reason for putting Naruto on Kurenai's team, rather than the stupid excuse of Naruto and Hinata being life-long friends and not wanting to be split up. PLEASE continue this story, it has an excellent plot, and I can see you getting a whole lot of reviews for it. You're going into favorites.
Clark Cradic chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
I love your idea! Ever since I saw the episode when they were getting seperated into teams I began to wonder what would happen if Hinata and Naruto where on the same team! Also I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I found an error in your story. Shino's, Ino's, Shikamaru's, and Chouji's family jutsus are not Bloodline traits. A Bloodline is something that is passed on genetically, in there cases their jutsus are a family secret (or in Shino's case had his body infested with bugs the moment he was born) other than that I love your story and especially how you keep the characters in character. I also want to know if in this story they'll still meet up with Haku and Zabuza since it was Naruto's griping that got them the mission in the first place. Anyway I love your story and I hope you update soon!
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