Reviews for Team 8
Yo chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Wow, this is a very interesting deviation. Although stories like this have been typed, yours is arguably the most solid and supported (with details and such) there is. It will be interesting to read something that actually puts some focus on Shino and Kurenai. I suppose the only thing to be wary about (though it is the whole point of the series), is to focus too much upon Naruto as you are building other very interesting characters. I look forward to reading about the changing personalities you are creating.

I hope you update soon!
Shippousmommy chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Wow! This is an awesome fic! A nice idea and

well-written. I can't wait to read more.
Alucard29 chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
That's a great start!

Keep writing this is going to be one hell of a fic, I can tell! )

Just don't stick too much to the original plot line like many other AU where naruto does the same thing just a little differently (you can give them a different mission than the water country one).

Good luck I expect you to update soon )

Alucard29 the French Fan )
WorldSoCold chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
A really nice start to this story, I hope that this gets updated soon.
Dany le fou chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
I've seen this team arrangement a couple of times already, but the fics haven't been updated in a while. I'll definitely be reading it, but I hope you'll be able to keep it up.
DeathGod666 chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Great chapter i can easily see as Naruto being a tank for his team
Mealstorm chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
What I can say is that this story has HUGE potential. You showed me only one chapter so far and I already love this fic! They way you show everyones emotions, their thoughts, their reactions to fings, it all make this story one of a kind. Also I think that all things you changed from origanal Naruto are changes for the better. What I hope to see:

- happier, stronger and more determind ( is it possible? ) Naruto

- Hinata breaking out of her shell ( kick ass Hinata would look great, but if you don't like her that way ... ) - thanks to Naruto

- more social Shino - thanks to Naruto

- Kurenai getting over her old team deaths - thanks to Hi ... just kidding, also thanks to Naruto

What I really hope to see:

- good NaruHina with fellings devoloping at rational pace.

- fair amount of action/adventure with a bit of ( or more )romance

It will be NaruHina, won't it? Please tell me it will.

Update soon
TomokiG chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Well... that's definitely a different idea. And that's definitely nothing bad.

Sofar your story aces nearly every else with Naruto and Hinata on the same team (usually team 7). And Kurenai behaving that way seems more than okay.

Personally I liked your chapter although switching the perspective in the middle to Hinata was a little bit unfitting. You should've sticked with one perspective in one chapter. I hope you continue and post the next chapters in no time so that I can continue reading...

ShadowBack chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
What a great fic ! This team is one of the best ! Each of them will reach their goal ! I hope Kurenai won't go to far with the Hokage because he is one of the few who try to protect Naruto, his rank don't allow we to do more. I had always wondered how strong could be Hinata with Naruto on her team ! I hope we'll see Jiji and Konohamaru. Poor Kurenai, she must ask help from Gai, I understand why she must awake early, she won't be able to escape for some time lol ! It's interesting that Shino is a talkative one in this fic, and he doesn't speak for nothing.

Keep up the good work !
Ladegard chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
I'm not usually a bit fan of Naruto, but I like this. The construction is solid, the pacing is a little slow, but it flows cleanly and evenly so that isn't a problem, and I find the story engaging. All in all, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
ghosthippo chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
OO! im so glad you're writing in the Naruto-verse too.. I typically only read HP and Naruto, and now one of my favorite authors writes both.. anyways, i love the story so far, its a great start and I hope you can carry it like you do NFP. Cheers!
whitereflection17 chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
update soon please!
Arkeus chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
very well written, though i am a bit sad you are doing a naruhina and completely abandonning sakura and co so far. Wonder what will happen when naruto doesn't care that much for sasuke and so on... ah well, we'll see :-) at least we'll have a sensei that actualy give lesson on taijutsu to naruto, along with chakra control ,so he will be quite ready by the time he comes to jiraiya :-) if you are still having him learn rasengan and so on, that is...
Zephyrical chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Dude, ur story owns!, i seriously cant wait for the next one. This is easly one of the best Kurenai fics around, and its gonna be good. Keep it up. and update soon.
Sourdough-AK chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
Wow... simply amazing...

You make a good point in your notes at the end of the chapter. Hopefully a solid, responsible role model would mold him into a rather strong shinobi.

Great job. Keep up the good work
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