Reviews for Team 8
gourry-gabriev610 chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
Happy New year and this can turn into a really incredible story. It has started out really well, and I can't wait to read what happens. I'm betting this turns into a hinaXnaru story. My fav pairing in the naru-verse. But if not thats cool too.
Zero Skye chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
was such a great first chapter!It's one of the best I read!I have a feeling that this will beome one of my though I'm more into yaoi, I do think Hinata and Naruto make a very cute couple.I wish I wrote like you,when I was reading it I thought for a mintues that maybe I was in the middle of the I scrolled down and saw it was the .Well anyway, I can't wait for the updates to start coming story,nice writing skills (better then mine _
Serizawa chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
I think this is an extremely good story. Please update soon :) Happy New Year, by the way.
Alex Konig chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
I love the Naruto fic, Team 8. I look forward to seeing its continuation. I am slightly miffed however that you beat me to the idea, but I'll leave it be, being that your story seems to be pretty damn good ;). That's all...Later
MasterBrattan chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
can't for the next chapter
BeastialSunStormDragon chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
Yo, I like the potential of this story and it reminds me of some things I've thought of while reading Naruto Fanfictions, You pointed out that his Taijutsu was bad because no one ever really showed him how, and a similar concept could be applied to several other areas. He always had to teach himself and never had anyone to tell him when he did something wrong, or show him the right way to do it so his basics aren't as good as they could be, making the fact the he got as far as he did an impressive example of just how much potential he could have.

As for his training, you might want to have her teach the team the Tree- and Water- Walking exercises earlier that Kakashi did in canon. The reasons for this are to build Naruto's control, and the others capacity, if you had her make them go up and down once they got good enough at tree walking, it could prove to be a good way to build their chakra levels (I have seen it used for this purpose in other fics) And taking the water walking farther by making them do it with their hands, back and such could also improve their control.

Another thing that could be done outside the training is to give a more complete explanation on the purpose of the low level missions than just "we get requests for menial tasks so we make the new genin do them". such as the "build strength/speed/whatever trait" reason. Explaining it like that might actually stop Naruto from complaining about them, not nessasarily because he understands, but because the more complete responce itself is enough to make him feel more respected.
Night-Owl123 chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
cool! I like this plot and i'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. _
AnimeFan101 chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
I know the feeling of The-Plot-That-Will-Not-Die. I've got a few stories just like it. This one, though, unlike anything on my page, has the potential to really be a great story - I can't wait to see where this takes Naruto.

Criticism - not much to touch on there...the characters you use are near-perfect canon to my eyes (though that will of course change the further you go, but you've shown in your other fics a talent for the what-might-have-been of altered timelines) with the exception of having the Sandaime at the jounin meeting instead of in the Hokage tower. I know why you did it, but it's a little jarring. (Especially since I loved that part where the Sandaime goes flying from the bloodspray.)

So, good work, and I'll be watching for your next update. Keep it real!
Monks1 chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
YES! A new gr8 story to start off a hopefully new great year! keep it up! I like your Harry Potter story as well!
Aleh chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
Nice. Keep this up, and you'll be on my favorite author's list in no time. :-)
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