Reviews for Nothing Left to Lose & Matchmaker & Fire and Ice
LovedHopelessRomantic chapter 93 . 4/11/2012
Wow, I truly loved every moment in this story... cried a little bit when I knew rin would die :(
Mireilles3 chapter 93 . 6/27/2011
Oh boy, talk about getting addicted to a story :) I've been reading that trilogy of yours every moment I've had, and others I didn't, for the past few days. While the first-person point of view of their thoughts broke the flow of the story for me, the characterizations, romantic matches and plot twists were just so compelling that I couldn't help but keep reading, and reading, and reading, and... you get the picture ;P

But now, I have reached the end and find out that, four years and six months after your last post, Guardian is not posted yet... Was it ever written? I'd love to know how you see the transition from the Feudal Era to the more modern one, and would Kagome ever be reunited with her family?

Please, say that you wrote it and just didn't post it, please? :)

Great job on all the characters, classics and originals; this story could have really been part of the series :)

Keep up the great work, and come back to us, please!
Tiajei chapter 48 . 4/5/2011
You write great fight scenes. I like how the two couples ended up.
Tiajei chapter 45 . 4/5/2011
Lol! What a fun chapter. I loved Mizuki's comment on beginner and intermediate level books, and Sesshomaru saying he saw something irritating the most.
Tiajei chapter 43 . 4/5/2011
I'm really glad he told her. Knowing is such a double edged sword.
Tiajei chapter 33 . 4/5/2011
I have not been reviewing because I just want to get to the next chapter. Maybe I will go back later and add a few. Isamu is quite the little prick. If he's still alive at the end of this fic, I bet he factors into the third installment. Markamou is so much fun; just like a little kid. I would like to see his instincts come out over Rin.
Tiajei chapter 26 . 4/4/2011
Very realistic, thank you. It's a girl, and she's hanyou. They don't know anything about this type of offspring. Also, Kagome is not well liked, and the children will be in more danger than usual. Good job.
Tiajei chapter 23 . 4/4/2011
Amazing chapter, awesome battle! It was so realistic - the protagonists were nother all powerful, Kagome had to improvise, Rin had to defend her, the other lord got the barrier down, Sesshomaru didn't fight alone, Rin was ill, Sesshomaru didn't immediately know they were in danger, etcetera. So awesome! I also enjoyed that they cleaned house after the battle.
Tiajei chapter 22 . 4/4/2011
Maybe Sesshomaru will actually make a friend. I wonder if Kouga makes an appearance, and who the Eastern Lord is. If they already have issues with him, Sesshomaru taking a human as mate will probably exacerbate the situation.
Tiajei chapter 20 . 4/4/2011
I love their little family scenes. The interaction with the other lord is very entertaining. I wish Kagome was more skilled; Rin is going to show her up. Hope those miko powers provide some flash, and distraction.
Tiajei chapter 18 . 4/4/2011
That was exciting! I think Sango and Miroku should have stayed for at least a month. So what if it was awkward for Miroku? You don't leave your friend in that much danger.
Tiajei chapter 16 . 4/4/2011
I'm surprised he didn't think of the guards betraying him, himself. I suppose he has much on his mind. It's too bad they coupled before he stepped up her training, and attempted to seek out those who would protect her no matter what. Miroku and Sango can help, if they stay.
Tiajei chapter 13 . 4/4/2011
Great chapter. He has finally accepted her, which is nice. I feel bad for Miroku and Sango, though. They are in a tough place.
Tiajei chapter 11 . 4/4/2011
Craziness, I tell you! I did not see that coming. What a dumbass. There had been no indication Sesshomaru was going to try to harm her. As Takenou himself said, he was acting like an Inu courting. Guess his instincts took him over, too.
Tiajei chapter 10 . 4/4/2011
Great way to end their fight. I was wondering if it would end in sex.
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