Reviews for Touchy Feely
kokonutsu chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
Sibling cuteness, liked it.
Kayowyn chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
aw! so sweet! 'hugs computer' I LOVE YOU GAARA!
iggy - illmatiq shorty chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
lol. I loved it. It was cute and hilarious. I loved how Gaara asked for his hugs. Perfect. Good job.
matchynishi chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
lol! That last line just absolutely had in me in fits of giggles. XD I thought that after reading the summary that it might be a bit OOC, but everyone was mostly in character - great job! :)
Jazzy Uchiha chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
that was cute
Glow in the Rain chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
Two letters sum what all I have to say quite well.

RunRAMENrun chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
I thought that was really cute_ the word choice was nice and it was just a nice little story to read. great job!
asdhjkdf chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
Cute and funny, but a little sad at the same time. As usual, nicely done. :)
Fractured Dreams chapter 1 . 1/18/2006

wow! this story made me laugh, it was so cute! Hugs...

well done! very enjoyable read!
JK chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
AW. IT'S SO DAMN CUTE...I love you Gaara. And Kanky. I love your Kanky. He's Mine is all overprotective "dontouchmybrothergodiekthx" and yours is all "wtf?"

Ahh...cute, cute, cute story...I love Gaara's persistence with the TV...possibly slightly OOC - BUT WHO CARES! I don't! I can't write Gaara IC for the life of me! that's why AU is so helpful...
CrazyGirlofManyNames chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
Aw, Gaara likes hugs. I'll give him one, so will my three sisters. I thought that was very cute.
Terry-McElrath chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
This story was so funny! A bit silly, perhaps, but very funny! Temari was very brave to give Gaara his first (although that is a sad thought, that he had gone so long without a hug) hug even though she expected his to react very violently. I loved how Gaara asked for his hugs in such an impassive manner. His explanation of why he liked hugs was realistic, too. All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the story. Thanks!
Hitaru chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
LMAO, oh my goshers, that was adorable AND hilarious. And we all love making fun of Kankuro, lol. Best fic, going on my favs!
ice illuser chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
...that was hillarious. loved it!
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