Reviews for Foolish Heart
The Gandhara chapter 6 . 11/16/2006
LOL. I'm laughing my head off with this fic so much that I almost fell off my chair!
Bobboky chapter 6 . 11/1/2006
Wheeljack69 chapter 6 . 10/27/2006
First off, there is nothing wrong with the two of them being together. As it has been stated many times they are not related by blood she was adopted. Hell I am friends with a couple that have been married for 10 years who met because their parents got married. It's no different.

Secondly it is a good story, and it's a shame that your already planing to cut it short. It has the potential for a lot of sexually charged humor.

Keep up the good work.
AznPuffyHair chapter 6 . 10/25/2006
...okay, humor, check. Keitaro bashing, check... a little smug for readers with very creative mind... (blush) check.

Anyway, good job So this is a Kei/Kan fic?

AegisX-TAIL chapter 6 . 10/25/2006
oh snap!

that was a good chapter and its a great story... :D it had me laughing ... :D

hope you update soon!


Adios for now...

and keep up the good work... :D
shinji the good sharer chapter 6 . 10/25/2006
DAMN... Nice job! Update again soon.

ikari shinji
Jakinbandw chapter 6 . 10/24/2006
I think that this story should be rated 'R'

do you want 13 year olds like Shinobu reading this?

*Thinks Back*

Never Mind.

I like your writing style. And your plot. Your charicters how ever are very perverted.
Jak chapter 4 . 10/24/2006

At least you handled it off screen.

Umm... I liked this story up until now. umm... At least Shinobu is happy... Umm... I think I'll have to read the rest of this with my eyes closed. um... If I am getting the wrong impression do tell.
Scyth3 chapter 6 . 10/24/2006
Perverted horny women! Hahaha! Shinobu actually did that, WOW~! And Motoko wanting it, now that had me rolling with laughter! Woots! Update soon mate!
ThreadWeaver chapter 6 . 10/21/2006
It was sick.. it was demented... It was funnier than hell! Well, except the arrow part and Naru's sexual repression being channeled into violence, that is. *sighs* cliffhangers.

Whoo hoo! Shinobu finally gets some... ...Cooking advice? Yeah, right. Poor thing. Didn't think she needed any of that. heh. I'm surprised she got the nerve to get to him first.

Why do I have this feeling this is going to degenerate into some total sexual fight over Keitaro that will strain the rating for No? Damn...

Keep up the good work!
someone chapter 6 . 10/21/2006
o my goodness keitaro is a pervert. not to mention dead
Wonderbee31 chapter 6 . 10/21/2006
Great section,and that cliffie was too cruel, so will definitely be looking forward to what might come of it from then on.
Lazy Ass Bastard chapter 5 . 9/20/2006
Did Shinobu just..? And she and Keitaro just..?

*blank expression, followed by a wide smile*

FINALLY! Some action for the cook! This story is good, I mean really good, for once I find a Keitaro/Kanako that doesn't make Kanako look like the bad I see hints of threesomes in the future? Anyway, I really like this one, it has humor and some angst and some drama and Naru bashing, that's always a plus in my book and some...ahem...diving, the works. Please update soon.
FlameChampion54 chapter 5 . 9/14/2006
what just happened?
Lastofakind chapter 5 . 8/27/2006
I... I can't stop laughing...


You MUST update soon!
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