Reviews for A Shattered Prophecy
LittleLokiLovah chapter 5 . 12/16/2020
If he kills Tonks I might stop reading. She's so awesome killing her would ruin this for me even though I really like this story so far. Please no killing Tonks :(
LittleLokiLovah chapter 3 . 12/16/2020
Oh dear, is he dead? (Get is, loki but I said she)
LittleLokiLovah chapter 2 . 12/16/2020
Shouldn't it be Harry Riddle? Also, shouldn't Voldy give Harry a glamour charm so that nobody recognizes him as Harry Potter?
LittleLokiLovah chapter 1 . 12/16/2020
I want to know whose body it was they found. Does that make me crazy or something? Great first chapter!
Sleepyhawk502 chapter 25 . 11/18/2020
Great story, thanks for sharing.
Luna Morning-Star chapter 26 . 11/14/2020
I doubt you'll see this now as I am years behind, but that review was unfounded and cruel. Your writing has subtle techniques and a strong plot. The people that take the time to leave reviews like that are insecure about their own writing or simply pathetic. I hope your continued original writing brings you many joys.
Paftyk chapter 25 . 9/27/2020
Damn. That's deep and dark...I love it!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/14/2020
The plot holes in this story is ridiculous. Also Harry is the worst “assassin” in history. Who the fuck walks into the middle of what they know is a trap, and much less with such a pathetic excuse of an escape plan. Also has no sense of flare. Such a bore
Guest chapter 26 . 6/2/2020
I’ve just finished reading this . It’s 5.36am an that’s how engrossed I was. Really fun to read N well written. Please don’t take notice of idiotic haters. I was so looking forward to reading the 2sequels. Please don’t take them down . People will be negative because They can hide behind a keyboard . Take no notice an be proud of what you have written .

- russell
Guest chapter 26 . 5/19/2020
Wow, I actually really enjoyed this story! I was up all night reading it! It was really dark and depressing, but it was a very good story.

My only problem with this story is the sad ending. I just wish it could have focused more on Harry's relationship with the Potters. The scene where Harry was actually smiling was amazing, and I wish this story took a happier path, because around the half way point it got really depressing. It was understandable, of course, but it still was tragic. Of course, this is a tragedy story, so you did nothing wrong! You wrote this great!

Thank you for this great story! :)
Majerus chapter 17 . 4/4/2020
Let me start by making one thing clear: I think you have potential, both with this story and as an author in general. However, you got lazy with your planning and reviewing the logic of your plot-lines and it is really starting to show up the farther you get into the story. You really needed a beta to bounce ideas off of.

Two more issues from ch. 16: As soon as Dorian hears that his father has fallen ill - and more to the point that Snape does not - he will know that Harry has poisoned his father.
There is zero reason for him not to disclose this betrayal, so the plot hole only grows more ridiculous.

Next, what possible reason would Neville have for not taking the necklace to Dumbleore? Zero reasons did you give nor can my rather fertile imagination spawn. It's like it's just a bizarre rabbit trail you wandered down and Neville just dazedly wandered with you.
Oh, and he's been wearing this necklace that they immediately noticed when they found him, but now it's gone for over a day, but nobody - including dumbles or James - notices.

Ch 17
So... what was the point of Snapes' interrogation of Harry? He knows it's true. What does it matter if Harry confirms it? The only thing that that scene did was to weaken Snape in the eyes of voldy, a move so pathetic that it cheapens the image of Snape as a spy and casts him more as just the pathetic, sneering bully the movies mostly portrayed. Why?

batty miss sherry instructs them to record their tarot card reading every night until Friday. it is Friday. Since she passes the cards out, how are they going to read them at night?

Hiding behind a statue of armor, Harry wished that he could have his daggers. He always felt pleasure in using them.
Annnd there we have it. He takes PLEASURE in KILLING with HIS HANDS. Harry is a psychopathic killer. The reason you haven't been building towards a redemption arc is that he is beyond redemption, a soul-less husk who delights in the destruction of human life. How can you hope to turn this around after you show his true self, revealed by his unbidden thoughts!?

Harry rolled to his left, avoiding a fatal green light that screamed from the second Auror's wand.
The Aurors are using AK's? Not likely...

So, surrounded by four bodies, harry throws down a working wand and doesn't search the other three for a better match. *sigh*

Dorian gives the password to... of course he does. He didn't care that his dad was poisoned by harry, so why would he not also help him break into the headmasters office. *groans*

So, Albus announces himself before he contains his enemies. Yep, cuz reasons. *sigh*
k, it's too much, I'm done, sorry I wasted your time and mine.
Majerus chapter 16 . 4/4/2020
Huh. I just... can't accept it. I know I have to let it go, but Dumbledore suddenly not being able to intrude upon Harry's mind when he was so desperate to keep him out and failed just stinks like the rotten gaping plot hole contrivance that it is.
*shrugs* I can only hope Harry's turnaround isn't as pathetic.
Majerus chapter 15 . 4/4/2020
So far, so bad :(
I have to assume you have some way for Harry to turn a corner, but thus far I'm coming up blank. Voldy has done a lot to secure Harry's loyalty, as well as thoroughly indoctrinate him, to the point of suicidal loyalty. How do you overcome that?
It just occurred to me that you never had the scene with Snape (much too belatedly) conveying voldy's counter-order for him to suicide.
Majerus chapter 14 . 4/4/2020
Wow... that was nauseating.
Scary and terrible and completely repugnant... well done.
Majerus chapter 13 . 4/4/2020
Interesting chapter... odd that voldy would not care about the SoS.

I highly doubt that dumbles would wish voldy to 'fare well', a fond wish given at the parting of friends.
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