Reviews for The Power
missgsmith51 chapter 11 . 4/1/2015
So Harry's Animagus form is a black dragon. A Hungarian Horntail? Ukrainian Ironbelly? Some other kind? It should come in handy in year four. hehe

It does seem Harry is moving faster to figure out the Chamber mess than they did in canon. I wonder how long it will be until he works out that it is Ginny. I'm also curious to know if he senses the same "darkness" in Snape that he does in Lucius.
missgsmith51 chapter 10 . 4/1/2015
LOL! Your Harry's a bit of a smartass. I like him! ;) I also like that he is actually SMART. I get tired of seeing him portrayed as a kid of mediocre (or less) intelligence. Frankly, I believe that Harry's usual tendency (in many stories) to hang out with Ron has probably contributed to his poor grades and the perception that he is rather dim intellectually. Ron's prowess at chess suggests that even he may possess more intelligence than is readily apparent; however, he keeps it well concealed by his appalling manners and occasionally stupid behavior.

Interesting idea to probe Lockhart's mind, although I can't say it's a place I would want to hang out for long. Yuck!
missgsmith51 chapter 9 . 4/1/2015
I wonder if Harry will suss out the Diary before anything terrible happens to shinny and the other students. I hope so.

Too bad about the Ministry detecting wandless Magic, too. In most stories, they don't, although it makes sense that they would, considering they detected Dobby's hover charm in the book.
missgsmith51 chapter 8 . 4/1/2015
Dumbledore should have pointed out that Harry didn't REALLY kill Quirrell. Quirrell himself could have simply left Harry alone ... but he refused and forced Harry to defend himself. DumDum should have made it clear that this was in no way a deliberate killing by Harry. The old coot!

Magical suppressor bracelet? Hmmmm. I'm surprised he didn't just bind Harry's core without telling him. I wonder if Harry's new power will enable him to overpower whatever the Dursleys have planned for him. I hope so.
missgsmith51 chapter 7 . 4/1/2015
Interesting. Did Harry absorb the Stone? Was the Stone a fake? Did it return to the Flamels or, perhaps, go back into the Mirror of Erised? Very curious ...
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 4/1/2015
I don't really like this Hermione. Since you modified her, I'm guessing that (1) you don't care much for her either, OR (2) this is just how you see her, and it doesn't bother you. I don't like how she jumps all over Harry for things he has done and then demands to share the benefits (i.e., read the restricted books he got while breaking the rules, learning what Harry found out in Ron's mind).

Poor Neville! It's too bad he got caught in the web. I like Neville and love when he and Luna are included in Harry's circle of friends. (Yes, I realize Luna isn't there yet.)

Draco's a git. It's congenital, I suppose.
missgsmith51 chapter 5 . 4/1/2015
"Ron wasn't completely useless after all, just mostly." LOL! I laughed 'til I cried! (I guess we all know a few people like that.) Harry really doesn't like Ron too much. He seems rather like Snape in that he doesn't care for stupid people. Interesting ...

"'I was right. The Headmaster is crazy.'" Wow, Harry figured THAT out more quickly than others, too. Of course, I don't think Dumbledore knows it.
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 4/1/2015
Whoa, Hermione has it bad if she wants to include Ron in their business. Even she has to concede he's a lazy jerk. **sigh** Smart women, foolish choices ...
missgsmith51 chapter 3 . 4/1/2015
What was the name of that old book? Oh, yeah ... Smart Women, Foolish Choices. Perhaps Harry should send Hermione a copy. If she reads it now, at the tender age of twelve, she might save herself a lot of future pain ... and a potential murder charge for killing the red-headed menace somewhere down the road.
Oosh1978 chapter 25 . 3/17/2015
Thank you for this story, I enjoyed reading it. I love your sense of humor and appreciated the break from all the usual HP fanfic drama bs.
ireadhp1234 chapter 25 . 3/11/2015
Strange but funny.
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 25 . 2/25/2015
This was an... interesting ending.
...Don't horcruxes split the soul, though, and warp their humanity/personality? Seems odd that Harry would want to lose part of his personality.
Though it makes sense that Hermione would make a philosopher's stone... xD (tho the heart thing is hella weird, pardon the hella)

Well, personally I'm just gonna ignore this last chapter... But I loved the rest. it was a neat read. rather entertaining. xD
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 24 . 2/25/2015
I like how you reiterated it. "they did not. Nope. one saved ron."

WAHAHA! Devil baby! xD
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 23 . 2/25/2015
Wahahahaha! I'm lovin' this.
Mehehehehee, Moody being actually Moody, dragon animagus hitting his head on the ceiling, dragon dung, Harry being gandalf... If only he'd turned himself into a dragon, it woulda been perfect! xD ...ahh, but I suppose save that for later... maybe he'll stomp on voldy or something... xD
ArcanePracti-cat chapter 22 . 2/25/2015
Bwahahaha! Once again, a great chapter... xD
Harry's very smooth. I mean. yeah. Subtle and smooth... but also rather bold in that sense... I mean...
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