Reviews for Renegade Weyr
Terra K McKinnon chapter 40 . 11/25/2024
Love, Love, Loved this story.

Sad, Sad, Sad there id no sequel

You did a EXCELLENT job on story! I may have bing read it.
Great job to you (and your beta reader / editor)
Terra K McKinnon chapter 23 . 11/24/2024
would a spread sheet help keep characters organized.

That is how I keep track of my grandchildren birthdays and who their parents /pets/ friends are. O
Oh! and who is divorced / deceased.
Kaltan chapter 40 . 4/21/2023
Great story, would love to read more about this rag tag group. Thanks for sharing
CelineSSauve chapter 34 . 8/27/2020
I have to admit that I'll need to re-read the earlier chapters before I know who Llydwen is/was.

Glad to see yet another chapter up, though. :)

Thank you.
fraidykat chapter 32 . 8/17/2020
Ooops I have a problem with the story. Stay safe and well.
Thank you,
dragonnargus chapter 32 . 8/17/2020
um... I think you've got a broken formatting in this chapter. There are html tags everywhere and new lines are missing..
M'tin chapter 31 . 1/1/2020
This can't be the end. I want more.
M'tin chapter 22 . 1/1/2020
I like the reunion of Kayta and Malena. Still grumpy about the idea of a hidden Weyr. But you'll explain how and why eventually (yes?). Yes, I realize Pern has lots of unexplored territory yet. Shouldn't bother me but it does.
Michael56 chapter 31 . 12/2/2018
Thank you so much for a truly entertaining tale set on my very favorite alien world, PERN.
I wish you and your family good fortune, and that you continue to write for us. Stay healthy and happy, Ta-ta for Now
Michael56 chapter 24 . 12/1/2018
Alright get your beta back ASAP! Firstly, MATE and not WIFE, this was only a few short paragraph from discussing Mirrim being a weyrmate and not a Weyrwoman. Nextly, was dropping words again, worst was ",... if he TRIES ANYTHING HE will be stopped,.."
Best, was fixing the time line by correcting the secret Weyr's origin to about 400 turns and not 450 turns, and from some drop out dragons from the 5 Weyrs forward time jump. Good correction!
Michael56 chapter 22 . 12/1/2018
Please do not do without your beta anymore. Dropped words and extra words, thens that s/b thans, and since that s/b sense, and 'very much' to know, was an important drop among others.
It's been years since this fanfiction was first published and a few further years since it last updated. So I will restrain myself regarding your typos, and pray that you improve ( you must continue to write) your self editing as you grow as an author.
This is a wonderful story that didn't think could be inserted into canon of the 9th Pass, well done!
Michael56 chapter 11 . 12/1/2018
Wow! A Four hundred and 50 years old secret Weyr! From the last Pass of the Red Star and prior to Lessa's asking the 5 Weyr's to come forward in time. Now there is a likely convoluted story to explain this Weyr's existence as I would expect; I've wanted to evolve another Weyr myself and not go against canon, you have my full attention, please continue.
Pern Dreamer chapter 31 . 11/18/2017
I really love this story - have since you started. It feels like there should be more, though. Will you be coming back to finish? Hope so, but do understand if not.

Hope you and your family are happy and healthy!
Guest chapter 31 . 4/21/2016
I was looking forward to reading more. Excellent story! Really enjoyed it.
revgerryaz chapter 31 . 2/6/2016
What an enjoyable read - I could not stop turning the pages. Well done!
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