Reviews for Renegade Weyr
lynda.key1 chapter 29 . 4/20/2014
So glad you still plan on continuing this story! Yes life can be a bit much but it is so exciting. Congratulations on the baby!

Went back a few chapters to refresh my memory. Sounds like Katya is still a prisoner in her own Weyr. Something has to be found to bring the two groups together. Hmmm...what would be a good group bonding excercize for dragonriders...
CelineSSauve chapter 29 . 4/20/2014
First off: I hope the health issues go away swiftly. Congratulations on the pregnancy! :) And I completely agree that you should not give your story over to another to write.

With that out of the way: I loved that chapter. I'll keep an eye on my inbox for the next update and thank you for your time writing this one up.

The one thing I could point out negatively here is a very slight grammar issue/typo "the injuries were due communication issues" and that I would have expected discussion of N'kar's boy after the first part of the chapter.
Pat Macken chapter 28 . 11/15/2013
Liked the over all story...saw a couple of continuity errors. Otherwise well thought out...if I recall in "red Star rising" don't they castrate some rapists?

Hope to see the next piece soon...
wendums chapter 28 . 8/28/2013
CelineSSauve chapter 28 . 8/26/2013
A few minor typos, but I'm glad to see this latest chapter up!

The only point I might have to make is that the timeline of Wen's experiences was a little muddled in my mind, but I'm not sure if that's my usual issue with times, dates and events, or the narrative itself.
cheri cunningham chapter 27 . 7/14/2013
I have spent all day reading your book...imagine now finding out it's not done...noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
lol...I have gotten so involved...clap clap really have impressed me...
hopefully I won't have to wait very long for the answers I kinda have in my head...thanks for a great day...
CelineSSauve chapter 27 . 6/25/2013
Whoot! Not only one new chapter, but promises of more to come! A happy day indeed. :D

I do like Lysith quite a lot :)

Also, it is N'kar's old mate! (And unless he had more than one, that makes her the mother of his child too.)
Joani chapter 26 . 6/13/2013
*takes a seat over here and waits for the next chapter*
Loving this story.
wendums chapter 24 . 4/1/2013
Chapter 26 review, as I had a moan a few weeks back at your trick paragraphs. Mobile review is a trial here in UK. I keep writing the damn things and nought happens:on with review
I did enjoy this and I would think the young Queen will be able to find the treaturous weyr leader. Hopefully his dragon will be helpful as dragons will not kill each other. A couple of months dettox and a feww sessions with Lessa and he may be redeemable yet. Well I do like fantasy. Thanks
Guest chapter 26 . 3/24/2013
I hope your life evens out and I do like the twist with Z'char. Fun read!
Cheers, T.
GinnyStar chapter 26 . 3/21/2013
I understand, real life can get in the way, I hope you were able to get things sorted out, Well written I can see this in my minds eye and its a good story
CelineSSauve chapter 26 . 3/21/2013
Very well done.

I certainly hope that poor woman is not N'kar's ex and mother of his son... :(

Calaranth is still a sorry excuse for a Bronze. *nods firmly* Sorry. Excuse.

*glowers at him, wherever they pop out of *between**
wendums chapter 26 . 3/5/2013
This is such a good story and after such a long wait to tease your loyal readers and me with one paragraph is a total wind up. I reread the whole fic without checking Ch 26. I did enjoy the reread. Please continue and I know your long time loyal readers will then review.
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 25 . 4/6/2012
I've just caught up this story and though it does have its moments where it moves too slowly, it is generally a very strong piece. I like your characters and although I don't know the universe as well as others it seems that behaviors are fairly consistent with Ms. McCaffery's intentions.

Thanks for your efforts on this story-I will definitely look forward to future chapters.
RngrThorne chapter 25 . 1/30/2012
That dragon is really wanting to break the first rule, never harm the Humans. Of course, dummy-boy is pretty dumb not to remember something himself. Never upset a dragon, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
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