Reviews for Renegade Weyr
Tagesh chapter 25 . 1/26/2012
Very nice action scenes, and a fun read! I'm looking forward to how all of them are dealt with, not only Z'char.

Cheers, T.
CelineSSauve chapter 25 . 1/22/2012
I'm not sure how well he will be "dealt" with if he's still to be WeyrLeader, but I do look forward to finding out with the next update!
GinnyStar chapter 25 . 1/21/2012
Well worth the wait, great way to free the others, and turn the Island Weyr into something protective all of Pern
wendums chapter 25 . 11/3/2011
Please don't keep us waiting too long. I don't wish a heart attack before this brill story concludes.
LV3950 chapter 25 . 11/1/2011
You're back! How I've missed you. I'm biting my nails here, so I hope you come up with the rest fairly quickly, no pressure ;)
Jedi Knight 13 chapter 25 . 11/1/2011
Good chapter. Lots of suspense. Looking forward to more.
wendums chapter 5 . 10/30/2011
wow! I am so getting into this story. I do like something to get my teeth into. All the short stories are ok but I do love a full length one. It's taking some doing not to glance at last chapter. Ha
wendums chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
Very promising first chapter. I have posted to fb for all fans that do not know this site. I am new to it and I so glad there's a mobile version. Thankyou for writing this. All ideas to read are acknowledged!
GinnyStar chapter 24 . 8/28/2011
Oh,that sound like myself, being in a party, and have some pass way, they were their for us.

Take your time, I know the feeling, for I have few ideas that won't leave me, but no time to write, in more ways then I can say here.
Pern Dreamer chapter 24 . 6/1/2011
Congratulations, MAJOR condolences, and YAY for coming back!

Meetings, yuk. Glad she'll have help.

Seriously looking forward to more. Any chance that N'kar . . .? Keeping my fingers crossed.
CelineSSauve chapter 24 . 6/1/2011
Firstly, congratulations on your approaching nuptials. :)

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but am also very glad you decided to keep writing despite the painful memories.

As for this chapter: I noticed a few very minor grammar hickups and am confused a bit about N'kar's reaction (had he not heard of Canth attempting to fly Brekke's queen?)

Also, it is implied (both by the long name and the fact that it's implied they haven't gone in to touch the eggs yet), that N'kar's son is a Candidate and not a Weyrling. Though I'd have to finish rereading a few books to ensure the term isn't interchangable, but I'm relatively certain it isn't.
CelineSSauve chapter 23 . 4/1/2011
Whoot! New update! :D

Very nice, though I'm still rooting for our dear Brown to be WeyrLeader in the end.

I look forward to the next installment.
LV3950 chapter 23 . 3/30/2011
for an impossible chapter, I think it was done rather well.

more! more! more!
GinnyStar chapter 23 . 3/30/2011
Bedella. Her mate is R'mart By Skies of Pern they are retied to Southern Weyr J'fery and Palla, High Reach G'bear Neldama
Zer0Rocks chapter 22 . 2/27/2011
Thanks for updating but umm really? That's all we get? *weeping* snot *weeping* hiccup *weeping*

Kleenex please. Haven't you figured out as a writer of fanfiction that we must come first? Real life can wait but readers are impatient and often prone to bouts of depression without their regular fill of printed word. So put your priorities straight or we'll have to nail you to the chair on front of your computer until the story is finished. *sidenote: fanfiction NEVER Ends. So say your farewells to friends and family and start typing.

Brill. Outstanding. Longer chapters or more frequent updates.
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