Reviews for Renegade Weyr
Pern Dreamer chapter 22 . 2/27/2011
It's about time Kai trusted N'kar. I'm anxious to see how the Renegade Weyr will be dealt with.
CelineSSauve chapter 22 . 2/27/2011
Whoot! Not as long a wait next time, Real Life, you got that! *shakes fist at RL concerns* (I know the feeling, don't worry;)

Interesting that Elanth apparently seemed to be able to understand Lysith. Strange. I look forward to reading more. You've made my day :)
ruth hammond chapter 21 . 2/25/2011
looking forward to the next chapter, this has been fun...keep up the good work! like the spirit of your!
LV3950 chapter 21 . 1/18/2011
exciting? you think so? exciting is not reading until 3 in the morning, dead tired, yet not caring! so come on, hurry up already with that next update! oh wait, you just posted this chapter tonight. hmmm. How 'bout tomorrow for that update?
CelineSSauve chapter 21 . 1/17/2011

Let me congratulate you on the characterisation of both firelizards and dragons in this story. I don't believe I have done that yet and it's well overdue.

Very much looking forward to the next chapter! About time Kayta/Kai asked for help!
CelineSSauve chapter 20 . 1/17/2011
*blinks in stunded silence for a few moments*

Pitty Lysith didn't kill a few of them...By accident, of course.

(Must have been some problem with the notification emails because I remember getting the notice a little while ago but there was no chapter. Then today I got Chap 21, so not cliffhanger for me!;)
Pern Dreamer chapter 21 . 1/17/2011
Oh, good! It's about time she asks for help.

Anxiously awaiting more!

Skyjack chapter 19 . 1/1/2011
Like the story looking forward to more chapters!

LV3950 chapter 19 . 12/23/2010
Yay, an update! Such a welcome reprieve from the stresses and worry of life. And very well done too, I love it. Can't wait for more!
CelineSSauve chapter 19 . 12/21/2010
As soon as it was revealed it wasn't Bitran guards, I had a feeling it was a very specific Rider, but I will wait and see if I was correct.

Meanwhile...What is it with Bitra Hold anyway! Do you think if it was taken away from that woman's Blood it would sort itself out?
Pern Dreamer chapter 19 . 12/21/2010
Uh oh! Has Z'char been roaming? Looking forward to more!

Merry Christmas!
whiteraven93 chapter 18 . 10/16/2010
Oooh. A death to end the chapter. Very nice. D I'm so glad for an update (though I should probably reread the last few chapters). Thanks for the story!
GinnyStar chapter 18 . 10/15/2010
Ouch, they are in a pickle right now.
LV3950 chapter 18 . 10/15/2010
wow! I didn't even have to poke you! I certainly hope you have the next chapter for us soon, I hate cliff hangers. Excited to see what come next!
Pern Dreamer chapter 18 . 10/15/2010
". . . a bit of a cliffhanger . . ."?

Oh, you better hurry with the next chapter!

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